snare and power guitar volume


Apr 10, 2010
I found a bit hard to find the balance between power guitars and the snare drum, if the guitars have a nice volume the snare became too small, if i pull dow the guitars the gitars lose the power, what is normaly the volume of the power guitars pan hard rleft/right , compared with the snare?, is there some trike like chain compression or something?

share is at 0db
There is no "formula" or go-to ratio of snare vs guitar volume. Too many factors and variables to get into

Sounds like your 1st problem is EQ related. Start looking for where you can pull out some junk from the guitars, this will begin to open things up and help your snare come through without having to fuck with the volume ... to start with

200hz and look around 480-520hz to pull some crap out
because it will be clipping/distorting horribly, nothing should be at 0db, its a common error for noobs
you need to read up on digital 'headroom' 'clipping' etc
Yep. When I first got into "this", I was messing around in Audacity, plugging a headphone out of a practice amp into my computers Line In, knowing NOTHING about the art. I'd record guitars to Tabit drums and it sounded totally horrible, but at the time I didn't know any better and thought it sounded ok. I knew nothing about amp sims or impulses. My mixes clipped like the entire time and I just didn't really know any better.

Try pulling all your faders down so each track peaks about -16 to -18 dB and go from there.