Snare / Compressor

I prefer to use the graphical presentation for this, because it is just a lot easier to explain. This is just an example and is case dependant. In this picture there is 16th notes being played:


So if you want the snap, skip over the transient, so dial in 25-40ms attack and compress the fuck out of the body, preferrably double the time, so that would be ~100-150ms release

Then insert a limiter / clipper after the compressor for the volume :Smokedev:
Yeah, you can use it as your output limiter or a parallel compressor on the snare. In fact I'm going to be using the Rocket a lot on parallel drum comp in the future. From what I heard it's the most suited to the task out of all the plug-ins I've tried. The Impetus pot is ace. Will be giving it a roll on bass guitar and aggressive vox too.. basically any applications the 1176 excels in.