Snare sample (.wav and .tci)


It's shittay!
May 14, 2009
Sharing another snare sample. My band recently did a song for a video, and the snare sound I got ended up being pretty good. I took some samples of the drummer's snare for replacement, so I'll pass them along. No idea what snare it is, but it sounds good and is pretty versatile. Also, fun fact: John Longstreth set it up.

Unprocessed, 5 hard .wavs and .tcis. Enjoy! Confirmed
Oh, I love those overtones! What was your gear?
Sadly, don't remember the snare or the head he used. I think it's a Pearl, though. A single SM57 into a Langley board with Neve preamps. Think a lot of the quality comes from fresh heads really well set up, though the snare and the player definitely are not lightweights.