Snare Samples

yeah thanks, i hope someone upload a processed of this

Ryan's asked me to do a processed version so i'll have some shit for you guys in a little while
yeah, i didnt want to put too much in because, well, its hard to say how much you'll need in a mix. i put just enough to give it a LITTLE bit of depth.... as in, when i muted it, something was missing. i hate samples that have a shit ton of verb already on em.

i'll put up another w/more verb if people dig it.
I don't intend to hijack the thread, but shouldn't you guys be processing them yourselves in context of the mix rather than fetching pre-processed ones?
i would just completely remove reverb though so the processed one could be useful for someone unless it's just to give the idea. Great sample Ryan.. if ya have some soft hits that would be awsome.. Sorry for being greedy :-)
I just updated the file, same link. Seems my T.D. was fucking w/the transient too much for my liking.

Since ryan still hasnt updated his post with this yet like he was going to last night, i'll just leave these here

Enjoy :)

Chain is:
Nuendo Q
Floorfish Gate
Nuendo Q
Nuendo Q

Sent to:
Steinberg Roomworks (short reverb)
Reverb A (long reverb)

edit: 3 wav files. one is the cracky hits, one is the hard hits and one is the medium hits. not chopped up, i was feeling lazy, enjoy kids :)