Snare verb


Nov 7, 2006
I can not for the life of me get a good reverb sound on my snare. No matter what, it sounds dry, unless I crank the reverb til it just sounds like rumbling. What kind of tips you guys got for me?
I used to think that I hated the sound of the Pro Tools D-Verb, but after reading about how it works for Andy, and "gels" with the mix better, I gave it another shot...and I honestly like it quite a lot. Use the room reverb, with a 1.5 second decay. It cuts through quite nicely for me, without jacking the level up too much. I don't know if I'd use the D-Verb for anything other than drums, though...
Yeah, 1.5 and a medium room is about what Andy uses with D-Verb. The snare still has a shitload of attack, but has some nice ambience as well. Also using a similar setting on Waves R-Verb, works quite well if you don't have ProTools.
ERrrrr....I still have not found a verb that I can hang my hat on. Then again I still don't feel like I am 100% capable of judging a good verb.
Plate 1s or more

Shelving EQ
Boosted Top
Cut Bottom

Predelay around 10 to 20ms

Don't be afraid to EQ the heck out of the Reverb (only)
Don't be afraid to EQ the heck out of the Reverb (only)

That too, actually. I tend to take a lot of the higher fizzy sounding stuff out of the drum reverb. As long as it still sounds like room ambience on there, then why add more freqencies into the song than necessary?
not knowing how you mix, but I generally set up at least four verbs reachable as Aux sends: Plate, Small Rm, Large Rm, and Hall

the Plate gets the lion's share from the snare and it's EQd fairly bright and I usually cut the bottom.

often I try to make the snare bigger, longer and brighter. here's an example: Snare Example
not knowing how you mix, but I generally set up at least four verbs reachable as Aux sends: Plate, Small Rm, Large Rm, and Hall

the Plate gets the lion's share from the snare and it's EQd fairly bright and I usually cut the bottom.

often I try to make the snare bigger, longer and brighter. here's an example: Snare Example

Are those programmed drums on that clip?