Snare reverb goddamnit I can never get it right!!

I like to compress the hell out of it and then gate it to timing of the tune. Make it sound huge, yet clean. I´m starting to use more and more reverb on kick and guitars as well. I know people usually believe heavy guitars and clicky kick drums should sound dry, but YMMV.

Andy is really good on verbs, he makes Dverb sound great, yet I can´t dial anything usuable on that...
Thanks Moonlapse, setting the predelay at around the time you gave really made the reverb stick out a bit more...

Here is a sample, I mixed the reverb pretty high so it's easier for you guys to hear:

Hey man,

That's pretty cool. I think you might have even more success if you add a bit more top-end and low-end to the snare. Kinda 'hi-fi' it a little. Verb could be even brighter if you want.

What guitar amp was that by the way?

Good stuff!
Sounds cool man! I think from here on in, only time and some extra fiddling on your part will improve it. Setting verbs seems to be a skill much like any other in the audio industry... just keep at it and you'll develop your own taste for what you like.