Sneap and Amon Amarth

sounds pretty good to me. the only thing I dont like is the compression on the beginning guitars in the first 30 seconds or so. its wierd, maybe its for effect. And the cymbals are so nice and crisp but sometimes they jump out and sometimes they dont so much. The drums have a nice non alesis sample sound. like old school but new. the guitars are slamming. Id be interested if its kpa , real amps or combo of both.
Holy shit this song is so fuckin awesome!
Didn't know that I'd dig a thrashier side of AA that much!
And the mix is just freakin insane.

Best guitar and bass sound they ever had.
Drums sound killer too, as always. But I think with so many Bogren productions they did before, I just got a bit used to the Jensisher drums, as they did fit AA really good.
Vocals are also mixed differently than on previous albums, but I think it's the same as with the drums. Just something you got used to hear in a certain way.

I think it's a really awesome fresh new thing. Hopefully the rest of the album also goes in that direction!

Killer work Andy. What the fuck.
vocal productionis much better/more interesting than on the previous records.

Fragle: get new monitors! ;) Sterile? it's the opposite, it's so NOT flat and sterile sounding at all!
cool, glad you guys dig it. I'm always terrified of coming on here when something gets released lol.

the band really wanted a more natural feel to everything this time. As far as the toms go, its the usual 421's on racks, Heil PL30 on the 18" (because I'd ran out of 421's, but it sounded great so I've just got some more) and I also had some of those ukko transducers inside the toms which are blended quite low, but they add a cool cut to the top (they sound very hollow on their own but are great to trigger from).
The best thing for the toms tho was the tunebot, getting them properly in tune just makes them sit right and cut through, I can't recommend that little device enough.
Its also the first time I tried recording drums at the back end of my live room with the far room mic'ed with an old neumann KM86. I don't know why I hadn't tried this before but I was loving the room mic and I think it helps the vibe, especially on the slower stuff. I think Jen's stuff is great but I think it was really important to try a new approach and not worry too much on how things sounded on previous records.
Music is pretty standard, mix is killer. Really dig the "new" more natural, vibey sound Andy is going for lately (see also last Testament).
Those toms seem to be tuned a touch higher than you usually would tune them, aren't they?
He knows Kimon lurks in these forums ;) :lol:

Haha, nah I never have anything really bad to say for Andy's work. Amon Amarth on the other hand.... ;)

Seriously though, I'm really not a fan of the music but the mix sounds amazing. The toms kinda caught me off guard, they sound "different", but overall it works really good.

Also, add me to the list of people wanting to know more info about the guitars.
The best thing for the toms tho was the tunebot, getting them properly in tune just makes them sit right and cut through, I can't recommend that little device enough.

i was considering checking one of these out before but i think this just changed it to a "must buy" :grin: