Sneapsters on Tour

Hamferð is opening for Amorphis in Europe at the moment, we have these dates left:

19.03. SRB Belgrade - Dom Omladine

Hey, I've seen only now this post, didn't know it was a fellow sneapster's band. All I can say that I caught a song or two from you guys yesterday, and I liked your sound a lot more comparing to Amorphis. It was phat and much less compressed, good job!
Hey, I've seen only now this post, didn't know it was a fellow sneapster's band. All I can say that I caught a song or two from you guys yesterday, and I liked your sound a lot more comparing to Amorphis. It was phat and much less compressed, good job!

Cheers, glad you liked it. Our FOH guy is really good, and for this tour we have completely dropped amps. We are using a Kemper, an Axe FX and a MXR Bass DI + for guitars/bass which makes everything so much clearer and easier!
That was Kemper? Awesome! What do you use for stage monitoring (ie power amp+cab)? Do you have a backup?

We have two Electro Harmonix Magnum .44 power amps and cabs in our van, but we haven't brought them out of the van so far because the venues are big enough for it to be unnecessary. So the only stage sound we have is drums and what's coming out of the wedges. We have a Rectifier in the van as a backup, but I hope we're not going to need it.

We were delayed in traffic on our way to Bulgaria, so we only arrived at the venue 30 minutes before our show started. We managed to load in, set everything up and do a line check in 20 minutes. It's so much easier when you don't have amps and cabs.