No work for me today. No buses running in London at all. All trains suspended, and only two tube lines working. Can't ever remember it being this bad.
Anyway, it's a day off work.
Anyway, it's a day off work.
And it happened at the end of the day, so it meant I couldn't get home from work.
It was 45 degrees here on Friday, Bev. We still had to work though. I'd rather be snowed in.
so who's coming ?
It's going to be pretty entertaining for a long time to come.
I'm ronery.
so ronery.
was watching the news tonight and saw that parts of Queensland has been flooded.
selfish bastards.
so ronery.
was watching the news tonight and saw that parts of Queensland has been flooded.
selfish bastards.
they should sent that shit down to the Murray/Darling Basin and fix that mess up.
but think that Queensland and the NT were hit by same monsoon cells that have been battering South East Asia for the past few weeks.
supposedly cool change moving in next week but we need it sooner.
especially you boys in Melbourne.
I think something like 60% of QLD was declaired a disaster zone the other day.