So about these downloadable keyboard tone things...


Children of the Dream
May 13, 2007
I don't know much about working with keyboards aside from playing them, but I figured Steve could help.

I've always heard of these keyboard tones... patches, I suppose, as I've seen them called that... that you can download and use on your keyboard. How exactly does that work? Connect the keyboard to the computer with a USB cable and go from there? I have no clue, and I don't know if Steve does, but I figured it's worth a shot to ask. :lol:

(Main reason I ask is because the closest I can get to recreating the lead sound on Temple of Fire is layering a square and sawtooth lead together..)
That's one way of doing it via USB cable to PC. I tend to be a little old school and use a floppy disk, as the Triton has a floppy drive.

What keyboard are we talking about? I can probably give you a better idea if we are talking about a particular model
Nothing special, that's for sure. Just a Casio PX-555...