So Alexi broke his toe...

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Oct 22, 2005
El Paso, Texas
Taken from

"24.1.2006 Lille, France

YO muthatruckas! Just wanted to let y´all know that I broke a fuckin´toe of my right foot during a show in Barcelona by slamming it into a monitor wedge, (yea, iIwas sober) so if and when you see me moving around like a retard, that I apparently am, that´s why. But fuck it anyway, the tour will keep on rolling as planned so see you muthas soon and a big fuckin´ thank you to all the crazy crowds we´ve had so far..It´s been a blast!



:lol: :lol:
Funny way of writing he has, Alexi "VERY accident-prone WildChild" Laiho :lol:...but anyway, I wish his toe all the best.:)
Anyway yeah, *if* teh Allu ever is sober then it is when he's on stage, doing his job.;)
But Christ on a bike, everytime I come back online after a few days of absence, he has broken something!:loco:
That's what he calls the people who don't suck his dick, "internet-badasses" and since it was recently quoted in an article...
Just go join Scythes Of Bodom.
im waiting for Bodom After Breakfast to try and convince us that he did it on purpose. just like he always purposely fucks up his guitar spins so he can "bounce it off his leg".
I was thinking Carmaggeddon.

Does alexi have fucking terretts. Every other fucking word is fucking this, fucking that. Fucking not fucking even fucking im fucking that fucking bad. Fucking prick. Fuck. Makes me so fucking mad.

and i think he uses "fuck" just like stupid chicks use the word "like"

...because they cant think and speak at the same time
-Gavin- said:
That's what he calls the people who don't suck his dick, "internet-badasses" and since it was recently quoted in an article...
Just go join Scythes Of Bodom.
False; it's what many people call those who are acting like "cool" assholes on the internet all the time. In other words, what you have sadly become.
I never read any article in which Alexi used the expression "internet badass". I did however read an interview in which he refers to people who talk shit and act like they are the shit online, something along the lines of "fuckin' computer geeks with no friends". Just FYI.
And by the way, I do not suck his fucking cock, I do not worship him, and I do not think he is so much better than everyone else.
And I have already joined SOB ages ago. Don't visit that often though.
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