so apparently science has discovered why i suck


guitar deity
Jul 31, 2002
New England
Why Some Men Are Just Born to Seduce

Some men are natural seducers. Others are born blunderers. Why? Science has figured it out. Well, to be fair, science has figured it out for fruit flies, but the researchers from Stanford University are fairly confident the results apply to human beings, too. When it comes to attracting the ladies, a man's success or failure on that first date could be due to his brain structure, report Reuters and Australia's Herald Sun. Researchers have even given it a name: the brain's courtship circuit.

When the courtship circuit works properly, a man seduces a woman according to a strict order of events, such as beginning with a romantic music, a charming dinner out, and then perhaps a tentative arm placed gingerly around her waist. All this must happen before either of them get too serious emotionally or physically. If it doesn't, then the male becomes that classic fumbler, who gets far too serious too soon and never gets the girl.

Remember the fruit flies that started all this? They normally go through a complex ritual of five critical steps to attract a mate. But when the Stanford scientists, led by Bruce Baker, interfered with the male fruit fly's 60 courtship circuit cells, he skipped the initial courting steps so critical to successful fruit fly unions and tried to do everything at one time. The end result: He failed to mate.

"So what normally takes a total of four minutes is reduced to just 10 seconds, and that doesn't work very well," Baker explained to Australia's Herald Sun, noting that the fruit fly's basic cellular functions are very similar to those of humans (in case you wondered). "It wouldn't surprise me to learn that human sexual behaviors also have underneath them a basic circuitry in the nervous system that mediates attractions and mating," he told Reuters. The study findings were reported in the journal Nature.
It's poetry in motion
She turned her tender eyes to me
As deep as any ocean
As sweet as any harmony
Mmm - but she blinded me with science
"She blinded me with science!"
And failed me in biology

When I'm dancing close to her
"Blinding me with science - science!"
I can smell the chemicals
"Blinding me with science - science!"

Mmm - but it's poetry in motion
And when she turned her eyes to me
As deep as any ocean
As sweet as any harmony
Mmm - but she blinded me with science
And failed me in geometry

When she's dancing next to me
"Blinding me with science - science!"
I can hear machinery
"Blinding me with science - science!"

It's poetry in motion
And now she's making love to me
The spheres are in commotion
The elements in harmony
She blinded me with science
"She blinded me with science!"
And hit me with technology

"Good heavens Miss Sakamoto - you're beautiful!"
I -I don't believe it!
There she goes again!
She's tidied up, and I can't find anything!
All my tubes and wires
And careful notes
And antiquated notions

But! - it's poetry in motion
And when she turned her eyes to me
As deep as any ocean
As sweet as any harmony
Mmm - but she blinded me with science
"She blinded me with - with science!"
She blinded me with
and you know what else? sic a serial killer on that article writer's gut.

why is all of the good/pure stuff (loneliness, giant pigs, UFOs, etc) smeared with snarky bullshit?

i know the root of it! now when will it end?
TRUTH! I work with flies in my lab and I dissect their brains, this so-called courtship circuit exists and is vital for mating. Even in an isolated environment, with a single male and a single female, left alone for several days, mating will not occur because the male doesn't follow procedure. Having a defective courtship circuit is the same having a mutation for curly wings, not only does the female select against that male because she isn't turned on but out of fear that her progeny will be the same way, rendering them sterile essentially and preventing the propagation of her selfish genes.
Evolutionarily, I would think emotions would be selected against, because they make you do stupid things that are risky (i.e. deadly) or attracted to humans who are less physically selested for but are nicer (as is usually the case) so I would say, in essence, you are more highly evolved than the rest of us other emotional hominids. This however is spoken from the viewpoint of nigh-complete genetic determinism.
Evolutionarily speaking stupid ugly bastards and big fat bitches should not be procreating, well unless they have a talent needed by the pack. Unfortunatly trailor trash are the ones procreating more and intelligent people, and physically gifted people procreate less which goes to say that evolution of the human race is going backwards instead of forward. In a few hundred years we could be swarmed with so many stupid people that they might take over....
canada and the united states and most of europe and asia are founded in stupid, ugly thick, dirty, cheating, coughing, sweating, lying, shit-faced scoundrels. what talent did any of them have except for working the land? huh?