So BLAZE are confirmed then! @#%$ Yeah!!


Nige T


Brilliant best news so far. BLAZE and SAXON what a day out!!!

Am I being a complete thick @#%$?
Where is it confirmed that Blaze is playing?!
Excellent news if he is, but I haven't had a mail, and I can't find it on this site anywhere..
Is this wishful thinking?, or am I missing something majorly obvious?
Be cool to see him again (haven't seen him since Wolfsbane days...), but I will wait before I get too excited about it. :|

Hello,I've stopped being a moany old git now,(I had a horrible cold..excuses excuses..).
If BLAZE are confirmed then that is great,it will be good to see him perform again...(it's been just a few years).
As for elsewhere on the site, the OG news is looking fairly good and the fact that My Dying Bride have been approched is excellent.
It's a shame about the Wolves situation, can't somebody move Wolves to another part of the country for a little while!?
Anyway catch you all later...:p


There is a post on the Metal-is site in the Meatl Talk section from Vince Rock. In it it lists the confirmed bands and BLAZE is on that list!
Also in a reply to someone suggesting Dianno the reply was "one Maiden singer is enough". So thats all the confirmation I need.

Looks like all that pestering finally paid off Nige,
Good job we booked our tickets this week before the rush. :D