why were there so many young people at b/s 03?

i just hope the kiddies (and everyone else) take proper precautions and protect their ears. I can definately recommend Docs Pro-plugs for reducing the damage without changing the experience too much, those foams ones just muffle everything. They're a bit expensive, but I'd still like to be able listen music when I'm 90.

Now I'm sounding as old as I feel... :erk:
Tet said:
I'm currently in the denial phase :) Mine's still long, but rapidly thinning. I havne't decided what to do about it yet. One option is to just let it go bald on top, and have a Phil Collins/Francis Rossi style "bald with ponytail" look. If nothing else, it'll *really* piss off my sister, and that alone has to be worth something :)

Why not shave your hair?, I had really long hair but had to get it all cut off (I'm still not over it some years later). I now get my other-half to give me a Number 1 with the shears. Hope this helps mate.
NEVER CUT YOUR HAIR! if u like it long, have it long, so wat if its thin or bald on top, im luky enuf to have a full hed of hair bt wen i see giys who have the bald/pony tail look i tihnk 'cool, that guy is a dedicated rocker - he dont care what happens, hes keppiong the rocker look!' and i love it

after seeing all you rant on the kids id just liekt o say ur right, it is great, its muchbetter to see em into blaze and nightwish rather than stinkinpark, shit knot or scum 41
Tet said:
Bah! On my way to a Blaze gig in Fulham earlier this year, I was talking to some young whippersnappers like yourself on the way from the station. They had recently got into Maiden, and asked how long I'd liked them. When they found out my first Maiden record was "Run to the hills" when it was originally released as a single, there was an awkward silence. "Oh," says one of them, "I was 2 when it was released". Thanks guys. Way to make me feel old :)
I wasn't even alive then. :D
Kids at festivals rock :) you see em and they make you think, yeah cool a metal head kid:) not sum gimpy lookin mini mosher... i love the sword ppl, was very amusing and cool, they had fun, dont make fun of that, bloodstocks about havin a laugh and a good time... whoot! and those with swords looked to be havin alotta fun:)
I'm only 17, but I went to Bloodstock '02 and had I known about it, I would have probably gone to '01 as well. I don't see the problem people have with me being young, the age doesn't matter so long as you appriciate the music. And I don't think it's fair to blame Nightwish for all the young ones, there's a huge amount of young people into metal now and it's probably because of the internet, as someone said earlier. I used to like absolute shit 4-5 years ago but taste evolves and now I like true metal. No problem with the swords either, it's just fun.
I'm only 17, but I went to Bloodstock '02 and had I known about it, I would have probably gone to '01 as well. I don't see the problem people have with me being young, the age doesn't matter so long as you appriciate the music. And I don't think it's fair to blame Nightwish for all the young ones, there's a huge amount of young people into metal now and it's probably because of the internet, as someone said earlier. I used to like absolute shit 4-5 years ago but taste evolves and now I like true metal. No problem with the swords either, it's just fun.

I completely agree. I'm also 17 but it doesn't make me any less of a fan. I don't want to have to wait years till I'm an appropriate age to see bands I like :erk: I suppose they could have made it an 18 and over gig if they wanted to... I don't know. I have my boyfriend to thank for bringing me into metal, but I do use the internet to search for new bands and to buy cds since I live in a shithole of TrendyMusicVille hehe.

MentaLee said:
Wake up Kerrang! and the like..................not everyone wants to be American!!

Well, I have short hair AND I'm American - so is that two strikes against me? Who the hell cares what you look like? Isn't it great that 2,000 people packed into that place for 2 consecutive nights of metal! Its the music that drove everyone there. Do they all have to be draped in leather with hair down to their kneecaps? Sheesh.
Wallet Boy said:
Well, I have short hair AND I'm American - so is that two strikes against me? Who the hell cares what you look like? Isn't it great that 2,000 people packed into that place for 2 consecutive nights of metal! Its the music that drove everyone there. Do they all have to be draped in leather with hair down to their kneecaps? Sheesh.

no, not the kneecaps just their elbows :lol: and the more leather the better!
I noticed a high Poser count.

Young kids with families is one thing, but 16 year olds in "Hoodies" bring the event down, trying to be all cool and stuff.

I was talking to a kid (about 15 or 16) in a Mayhem hoodie, and was asking him about Mayhem and he didn't have a clue about Mayhem, he just "Heard Mayhem were cool, so bought a hoodie"

I imagine there were a lot of people like that at Bloodstock, just from the look of them anyway.
Wallet-Boy, what was meant by my post is that the mainstream music press in the UK wants us all to listen to American bands and follow American trends and blatantly ignores what we have going on here in Europe.
I dont reckon Nightwish were responsible for all the "kids" seeing as they are hardly popular in UK - this was aparently their 1st ever UK gig. Im into a lot of european goth, power,melodic-death type of bands and Nightwish was one of the latest I got into just because, though I'd seen them mentioned by others online, I've never seen them on a magazine CD or anything like that. I only got into them becuase of the wonder that is Kazaa! And, OK, sure Tarja is a woman but shes not THAT fit. I wouldnt go see them just to lOOK at her! I didnt go to Bloodstock but saw Nightwish the next day and the crowd was fairly mixed but still had a lot of blatant old school metalheads.
Having said that, Im only 19 and nightwish is the kinda band that would have made me go if Id not been so broke.
I was surprised to see so many little 'uns about initially but throughout the day I was impressed as they weren't too noisy or underfoot.
And was even more amazed to see them still going strong after 1am with more energy than the rest of us!
I think it's great if they get exposed to this kind of music, enjoy themselves and it's good to have them along if they're so well behaved.
Much respect to the parents who teach their kids to behave!
Eagle said:
Some American bands are awesome, Iced Earth, Jag Panzer, Twisted Tower Dire, Zandelle, Steel Prophet to name but a few. Sadly these bands are mostly ignored in their own country but huge in Europe.
Don't forget Nevermore!

And I have to say, the American scene is not as bad as it sounds. Bands play in the same size clubs, its just that there are a hell of a lot of people here with varying tastes. I'm heading to a metalfest in New Jersey in a couple of months that will have Strapping Young Lad, Nevermore, Children of Bodom, Hypocrisy, Dimmu Borgir, Devin Townsend Band, Symphony X and a bunch more and its guaranteed to sell out before the show. I've been very impressed with turnout lately at shows. Both Opeth and Dimmu Borgir have been upgraded to bigger venues in my area in the last year.
selfabuse said:
I dont reckon Nightwish were responsible for all the "kids" seeing as they are hardly popular in UK - this was aparently their 1st ever UK gig. Im into a lot of european goth, power,melodic-death type of bands and Nightwish was one of the latest I got into just because, though I'd seen them mentioned by others online, I've never seen them on a magazine CD or anything like that. I only got into them becuase of the wonder that is Kazaa! And, OK, sure Tarja is a woman but shes not THAT fit. I wouldnt go see them just to lOOK at her! I didnt go to Bloodstock but saw Nightwish the next day and the crowd was fairly mixed but still had a lot of blatant old school metalheads.
Having said that, Im only 19 and nightwish is the kinda band that would have made me go if Id not been so broke.

Not That Fit!!!, have to disgree with you on that one. I met her at the signing session at Bloodstock and she looked fantastic. I was at Bloodstock and the Mean fiddler with 8 other old school metalheads as you put it who all love nightwish and I also saw several women who must have been in their 50's. why should age matter just listen to what you enjoy but most of all keep it metal