so called tr00ness


the world is quiet here
Jan 10, 2003
ok, this has been bugging me for awhile. while i enjoy metal music a lot, the whole scene bothers me a bit. Guys (at least a lot of the ones ive met) are always competing amongst each other to see who knows the most bands, the more obscure and unknown the better. Power metal is not metal enough, this band is ok as long as you listen to their OLD cds before they sold out blablabla. As a girl, I dont have to prove myself as much, but I feel thats because of a condescending attitude some guys have, a sort of "ahhh well she likes METAL, i dont care what bands, as long as its not britney spears!" and guys usually feel its their god-given obligation of "educating" me when it comes to the music. i dont know many girls that are into the same music i am, thats why i dont know if its just my particular experience or not.

also, what do you feel about clothing? It irritates me that some people just feel if you dress more metal, you are more "tr00", it seems to me that the world is so big, so crowded, that everyone needs to show how different special and unique they are, and feel they have to make a statement with their clothes. this not only applies to metal but to any subculture, hiphop and hippies and whatever. yes i know this has always happened but still, am i the only one thats bothered by this?
being tr00 = being a poser :Smug:

When the term true initially surfaced in the metal scene, it meant being honest. Honest to yourself. :headbang:

Metal is about doing what you want and taking control of your own life and not worrying yourself about other people. I wear what im comfortable in, not what the newest fad is. Tshirt are jeans are just fine in my book.
COBSteele02 said:
Metal is about doing what you want and taking control of your own life and not worrying yourself about other people. I wear what im comfortable in, not what the newest fad is. Tshirt are jeans are just fine in my book.
A true Bodom fan here! Hail!

I think Alexi Laiho said it best: "I don't give a fuck, if you Hate Me!"

He surely is the Mozart of Metal!
COBSteele02 said:
Metal is about doing what you want and taking control of your own life and not worrying yourself about other people.
:lol: where the fuck did you get that? such nonsense
I think it's fucking hillarious. But, this isn't just limited to the metal crowd... I think it's just vanity in youth, cause the gangster rappers have to pretend they're so tough, and the goth have to pretend they're so disturbed and victimized. Black metal worshipers seem like they have to try to be as grim and necro as possible, but most thrash and death metal listeners don't seem to be as much like this than the rest, though there are always exceptions... When I was younger, sure, I was mr metalhead, and thought some metal was lame and only praised what I loved, but I've never been one to say or really try to make it seem like "my music is better than your music" thing that I see so much.

As for clothing, very rarely do I wear band shirts in public, only sometimes on days I don't work, though I do wear less inconspicous clothing, like my Nile hoodie, or my Dragonlord one whenever it manages its way here. I generally only wear metal shirts when I'm going to practice or to a show.
COBSteele02 said:
Metal is about doing what you want and taking control of your own life and not worrying yourself about other people.

Where do people get this sort of thing from?

MikaelÅkerfeldtFan#1 said:
He surely is the Mozart of Metal!
I think I like the way of thinking that Xeno has on this point. It's just something of the last few years. I mean it wasn't really that bug an issue or even that plain some years back.
But anyway, I may be wrong because I grew up kinda sheltered, I mean I knew only two other people that liked metal and wore their shirts, and only 4 people that liked the "britney spear"-stuff (althought she hadn't started back then). All other people wore just to many normal clothes to be able to tell by their appearance what music they listened too. Nowadays you can say from a mile away what music someone pretends to like (I've found that a lot of people do like very different sorts of music and that won't all fit on one or two t-shirts).

Hope I didn't make to much of a mess while putting my thoughts on 'paper' there...
People here don't make a whole lot of effort to dress differently so everyone basically looks the same :zombie:

But I know what you mean about the male competition. That can be annoying, but usually just amusing.
Lots of people let their hair length or darkest most satanic shirts to define them
those people are idiots
A few on school who have talked to me about my shirts have called me prep afterwards because I don't wear a Cannibal Corpse shirt everyday
well ive got nothing against band tshirts, its just the whole... elaborateness of some people's outfits, you know, the kind of person you look at and KNOW they invested on thei appearance to prove something. ah well.