so called tr00ness

I think that it is not good to care about what other people do. If they want to prove anything like in this case listening to metal by dressing appropriately then it is their choice. We should just go on with our jobs. People might dress however they like either because they feel like it, or because they want to prove something. If that doesn't harm anyone in any way then it should be fine. On the other hand, if the problem is that people might say that you are not tr00 or whatever because you don't dress like metal then you shouldn't worry about it cause those people are the ones that you despise and you cannot understand according to what you've written. The same stands for me and not only for that reason of course. People that critisize you because of the way you dress are not worth having for real friends so you shouldn't bother in that case either. Just let it be and enjoy whatever you like without worrying about what random, unknown and not important to you people say.
Stand-Ablaze said:
I'm agreeing.
I can't stand elitests, having to dress right to be into metal and such.
I dress in jeans and a normal shirt and jacket, like someone casually in the street would wear, I like Slipknot, they are apparently two big no-no's if I want to be respected in any way by a Metaller. I think it's great though. I constantly make references to Slipknot on this forum and it annoys people who read it. I'm not going to change the way I dress to satisfy people in my area who listen to metal.

Thing is, it's also hypocrisy, both nu-metal kids and metallers (Weither they like mainsteam and underground, local only, underground only, etc) hate anyone trendy, and the way they put down anyone who listens to any sort of rock or metal, but they do the exact same back.

I don't want to grow my hair, wear tight a tight leather jacket and a faded band tshirt that no one has heard off just to show I'm metal. I'm myself and no one else ;).

I get a lot of odd looks for liking mainsteam bands and underground bands, AND bands that "sell out". I also get odd looks because I don't believe in the word sellout, like the new Metallica, and have only been into metal for about 2 years.

I was even called a conformist a while back by someone, but I'm not the one trying to fit into a group of people, we are all conformists to something.
I feel the same.
Violet Baudelaire said:
Well, maybe I didnt mention that in my first post but I think its related. what mainly bugged me about that statement was the "It's also a way of showing dedication to the music and the scene. If you don't do it, you don't care enough." How can you measure how much someone cares or feels about the music by the way they dress? what if the look doesnt suit me? what if i live in a really hot weather in which its not practical to dress that way? etc.

but I agree with the rest of your post
Ah, okay... I didn't read much into his first sentence. I see why you said that now.
i see all the spikes and chains that people wear and ill admit that yea thats some cool shit, but its also too damned expensive. im not ganna go blow my wad on all that crap just so people will see me as "hardcore". people will know wat im about just from spending five minutes in a room with me. id much rather spend my money on a new amp or tickets for a badass deathmetal concert. but hey if u got the money for the look then go ahead, but dont tell me that i dont care enough just because i dont wanna buy that shit.
I'm tall, blonde, blue eyed and bearded like a Viking! I listen to Amon Amarth and have a snowboard as sharp as an axe on my wall so you can all just shut up! HAHAH!

Seriously.. I'm wearing all black and I've been thinking about whether I can still fully stand for that.. but then again, it's my problem and mine alone, no one else is aloud to comment on my looks.
I have begun to dress all black because I wanted to show people that I'm not like them, that I listen to metal and that their world was not mine.. it seems foolish to me now, but still Id feel weird walking around in clothes that everyone wears.. I guess I have to find another style before I can change, heh ;)
I never dressed in a special way to be part of a group, except for the metal scene in general. I like to play with this Viking image and still havent figured out how serious I take that myself.. but hell, it's just looks so wtf. If some people think they have to brag about the bands they know and wear metal shirts all the time, it's sad.. but it's not your problem in the end.