Forget it
I think that it is not good to care about what other people do. If they want to prove anything like in this case listening to metal by dressing appropriately then it is their choice. We should just go on with our jobs. People might dress however they like either because they feel like it, or because they want to prove something. If that doesn't harm anyone in any way then it should be fine. On the other hand, if the problem is that people might say that you are not tr00 or whatever because you don't dress like metal then you shouldn't worry about it cause those people are the ones that you despise and you cannot understand according to what you've written. The same stands for me and not only for that reason of course. People that critisize you because of the way you dress are not worth having for real friends so you shouldn't bother in that case either. Just let it be and enjoy whatever you like without worrying about what random, unknown and not important to you people say.