So, did anyone catch billy milano's post insulting all of us?

The funny thing is many mod fans got into them through sod, and many sod fans got into them through anthrax, so he is actually insulting a large portion of his own fanbase. Oh well, it's not like anyone expects him to actually think with moon pies being dangled in front of him.
The funny thing is many mod fans got into them through sod, and many sod fans got into them through anthrax, so he is actually insulting a large portion of his own fanbase. Oh well, it's not like anyone expects him to actually think with moon pies being dangled in front of him.

That is how I got into both MOD and SOD through Anthrax.
Yeah, Billy wrote some confusing shit the last weeks... first almost an open-hearted message to C and S and then this...

He should have put his rant on this board where "the fucking loosers and ass-kissers" hang around.
Deep problems with this man. Talk about a craving for attention! A witless blowhard. I just wish he'd crawl back under his rock and make the world a quieter place.
I thought the post was rather funny.

Just shows that Billy is now beyond pathetic.

Shame really...