So do you actually keep a shopping list?

Erik said:
1) I REALLY hope Agalloch/Nest will not sell out before I get a chance to get it. >_<
2) Hey NAD, I'll sell you Dan Swanö "Moontower" I think. I can't stand the thing. Hehe.

1.I ordered the Agalloch/Nest on the 8th and it was number 716. But I dunno if they are selling them in the order they were numbered or not.

2.This album is very keyboardy and at first it kind of put me off, but the vocals are great and it grew quickly. I like it now.
Erik said:
... but when I (hopefully) get a job next month and get my first paycheck (EVER...)
Wait, how did you pay for all the other CDs you buy if you dont have a Job?

EDIT- BTW I think Tranquillian or someone else said they bought two when I was reading the thread regarding the Split. I know someone said they bought or were going to order two anyway, Im to lazy to look for the thread.
My shopping list is terribly long. Here are some "highlights" (I've got most of these on my computer, but that's not good enough - nice, sweet compact discs are teh way to go):

Darkthrone - Ablaze In The Northern Sky
Darkthrone - Soulside Journey
Darkthrone - Transilvanian Hunger
Enslaved - Vikingligr Veldi
Enslaved - Frost
Enslaved - Eld
Cryptopsy - Blasphemy Made Flesh
Cryptopsy - None So Vile
Emperor - IX Equilibrium (for the sake of completing my Emperor collection)
Morbid Angel - Blessed Are The Sick
Malevolent Creation - Warkult
Cannibal Corpse - Tomb Of The Mutilated
Decapitated - Nihility
Incantation - Onwards To Golgatha
My shopping list is super small, so if anyone sees Sacrilegium's Sleeptime or the Sacrilegium/North split, it would rule if you'd let me know.

My Agalloch/Nest thingy still hasn't shown up from The End, and neither has my other order from them. I think their 3-legged mule died on the way.
Yea I think I posted something about how peacville fucked up the new digi's. Unless your a collector, dont buy them, the only re-deeming value is the interviews on them- (Soulside through Transilvanian.) Darkthrone should not be re-mastered. Upon furthur inspection, I only see the Digipack sold at most major Distros Ive looked through.
Let me know if you're selling the IX Equilibrium copy, then. I have listened to it several times, and I think it's fairly alright.

Indeed, Vikingligr Veldi is amongst my top three favourite black metal releases, and it feels very wrong to only have it on the computer and the mp3 player I connect to my sound system.

I've also heard bad things about the re-issue of ABITNS, but then again I think one of my friends has that particular re-issue, so I guess I'll listen to it at his house before buying it.

On a different note, issit only me, or does "The Red In The Sky Is Ours" have a very melancholic sort-of feel to it? I get very melancholic vibes from the tracks that are not the title track (that's just a kick-ass riff fest), and feel that I have to be in a special mood to enjoy it to full extent.
Erik said:
nokturnal mortum "to the gates of blasphemous fire"
nokturnal mortum "twilightfall"
nokturnal mortum "return of the vampire lord"
nokturnal mortum "the taste of victory"
nokturnal mortum "lunar poetry"
morgion "solinari"
morgion "cloaked by ages, crowned in earth"
How do you not have all this stuff yet? What have you been listening to in the meantime - downloaded MP3s?
I only just started doing a shopping list. I figured maybe if I could stick to it, then I'd only buy stuff I REALLY want rather than any old crap. For now, I'm gonna concentrate on filling in discographies of bands I really like (Summoning, Windir, for instance) rather than buying stuff from new bands. Also some rare stuff I'm always on the look out for. I need to start selling some stuff though to fund these wants!

I ordered my Agalloch/Nest split on the 3rd, and I'm hoping it'll arrive tomorrow, as it usually takes 8/9 days to get here from The End. I have 2 copies on the way, but I want to keep one as a spare just in case anything happens!
I ordered my split on the 3rd and still no arrival. I have another The End order I placed on July 29th and still no arrival.

WHat happened? They used to be so fast on deliveries. They just plain suck now.
Haha, got mine today (along with my Sabbat CD \m/). How can I get mine before you?! I have #272 and #273. I prefer the artwork on the Agalloch side, but both are very nice.
Adramelech - Pure Blood Doom
Cenotaph - The Gloomy Reflections of Our Hidden Sorrows
Demigod - Slumber of Sullen Eyes
God Macabre - The Winterlong
Morpheus Descends - Ritual of Infinity
Immolation - Dawn of Possession
The Chasm - From The Lost Years
Therion – …Of Darkness

Some of these albums are horribly rare.
I have more than a shopping list; I have a complete music spreadsheet. I started to build the spreadsheet years ago, when I started reading music boards. There were so many good reviews and recommendations, that I didn't want to miss out on a great band, simply because I forgot to check them out. My spreadsheet has the following worksheets:

Seeking - Music I'm looking to hear samples of
Awaiting Review - music I have samples of, that I need to listen to, to decide if I want to purchase
Reviewed 2004 - contains a breif synopses of everything that I listened to in 2004 that I've chosen not to purchase. If I've chosen to purchase the CD< there is no review. Instead it's marked either "Bought it" or "Buy it" (which are pretty self explanatory).

I have similar worksheets for each year that I've maintained the spreadsheet. Finally, I have a worksheet that lists all of the CDs that I own.

So, do I win the Geek of the Year award?

J. said:
'Cause The End fucking blows ass when it comes to delivering in a timely manner.
It's so weird. I always think that it might be your local postal service, but then Willowtip etc delivering to you in a timely manner negates that, right? It's not like you get slow deliveries from other outlets in other words. This is just bizarre.