So, EP's done. Please give it a listen and rate it! (Deathcoreish)


Here to learn
Jun 18, 2008
Skövde, Sweden

You can download it in 320kbit/s quality from a link called "Download EP" in the menu to the left.

If anyone is interested I can post info about the mix, but right now I'm tired and I don't know if anyone cares.

The guitars (expect the overdubs on Eaten by a God) are reamped by Metaltastic :)

Cheers :headbang:
I am not a fan of the guitar tone. A little too fuzzy/fizzy for me. Drums sound very nice though. They punch through but aren't distracting at all. Nice vocals as well. I really like the music also! Great work.
Sounds really good. :headbang: I especially love how tight the kick and bass are and also how they sound.
Wouldn't mind knowing what you used to get that kick and bass sound. Sounds like there's a little bit of distortion on that bass and I assume it was all picked?
I agree with anyone else who says they like this and will have it in rotation for a while. I especially like the way the layered vocals were blended... the brutal low stuff up front and the high pitch stuff mildly behind it with the hi-eq tapered off. Sounds great to me :kickass:
Cool songs man. I'd personally like a little bit less hi-end on the guitars but other than that it sounds great. Nice work man.
hmmm i'd like now as much as you can post, about this mix:) sounds cool, very punchy

mastering is done by you? very pro sounding IMO
Thankk you all! I didn't quite expect such good response.

Sounds really good. :headbang: I especially love how tight the kick and bass are and also how they sound.
Wouldn't mind knowing what you used to get that kick and bass sound. Sounds like there's a little bit of distortion on that bass and I assume it was all picked?

Thank you! I've actually worked on that quite a lot.
The bass is a crappy bass with a lot of broken frets and crappy picups, and I had no hope for it in the beginning. But it turned out quite well. Anyway. First of all the track was duplicated. One is for lows and one is for highs. Then I compressed and gated both tracks
-20 treshhold
2:58 ratio
4 attack
50 release.

The "high-track" got a TSS 7 drive, 5,8 tone, 8 level.

Then each track goes through a AmpegSVX, both with different cabs and different preamps. I took what sounded the best for each of the tracks.

After the AmpegSVX is an EQ on each of the tracks. "Low-track" is lowpassed on 1500 and highpassed at 40. Boosted lows, major cut at 250.

"High-track" is highpassed at 270 and lowpassed at 4700. Major cut at 670 and 2330. Boost at 1000 for more pick-sounds.

Both tracks are then routed to a group channel. There waits a compressor to glue the two tracks together. There I got another EQ boosting some 2000 and cutting some 125.
Parallel compression on that.

I then exported this track and put it in my "the mix"-project. There the track got an EQ (if I remember correctly) boosting loads of highs, I think around 8000 (I know I'm wierd as I lowpassed at 4500), and boosting 51-56 because the songs are tuned in Drop A#, and A# is somewhere around there, I don't remember as we speak. Again, cuts at 125 and ~350.

The bass is autotuned aswell.

Now for the kicksound. The drums are all AD, but the kick and snare are sample replaced. The kick is a kick I got from Dandelium called bombos or something. I think it's a Machine Head kick. Then I HP/LP it. Quite a lot EQ, blended in another kick that had a nice click-sound. Maybe 20% blending. More EQ. Automated Floorfish on fast doublebass parts. Parallel compression. And the compression FX-channel got some EQ aswell.

Kalle Blomqvist?

Right, never heard that before.

hmmm i'd like now as much as you can post, about this mix:) sounds cool, very punchy

mastering is done by you? very pro sounding IMO

I'm getting kinda hungry now, but I can write down some overall mixing and then you can ask if there is something specific you want to know ^^

The snare is 3 samples blended. An 80s snare, a crappysounding snare, and a really nice snare that cuts-through well imo. All samples are downpitched in drumagog.

Then I compressed it, and EQed it. Boosted 2k-5k for more cut-through and boosted 250 for power.
GClip after that.
Reverb on an FX channel. Both mono and stereo. Mono is lower in volume.

Parallel compression on it aswell, with Gclip.

Hihat got a lot of boosted highs (+11dB 16k)
So does room and OH, which are highpassed at 600.

Toms EQed after my taste pretty much.

There is parallel compression on all the toms (they go to the same FX channel) and parallel compression on ALL drums to one FX channel.

High vocals are compressed to DEATH, automated delay, EQ HP 250, cutting alot of 1k (singer was cupping the mic :erk:) and boosting 2k cutting 2503250. DeEsser.

Low vocals, Compressed to Death after death. Doubler that got 2 extra voices. 1st: 1dB lower, -100 cents downtuned 7 delay.
2nd: -11dB, one octave downpitched and 7 delay.

More compression(!?!?!?!)

EQ, HP 230, cutting 1k boosting 2k. Cutting 250-350 aswell. DeEsser.

Same verb on both vocaltracks. Pretty much verb, maybe a little to much imo :/

Compressor to get them up in volume.
Automated effects (Delay on some parts and low-fi effects)
Panned 100 L/R, sent to a Guitar-groupchannel.

EQ, Compressor to glue them in volume, More EQ, another EQ and automated reverb. The guitars are extremly EQed with a lot of narrow and small cuts and boosts everywhere to tweak the tone to death. It's pretty much not anything like the original tone haha.
Parallel compression (Of course!)

Gclip, Compressor, Gclip, Elephant(<3)

And that's pretty much it :oops:
I definitely agree the guitars sound nothing like the originals, but I really like 'em; there somehow seems to be a bit more "air" to them than before, which I can't say I dig that much, but it disappears when everything else comes in; I guess it's just that through all your cutting, the air just became more pronounced relatively or something. Either way, bravo! Though I feel the vocals get buried at times.
hi man..great sound..can you dhare the settings of the vst in the master chain please?compressor and gclip..thank you very much

You have learned well, padawan.


Thanks man! Great to hear!

cool :) thx for info dude!! maybe we can play something together in the future?

I'm sure that can be arranged! :D Glad you liked it mate!

I definitely agree the guitars sound nothing like the originals, but I really like 'em; there somehow seems to be a bit more "air" to them than before, which I can't say I dig that much, but it disappears when everything else comes in; I guess it's just that through all your cutting, the air just became more pronounced relatively or something. Either way, bravo! Though I feel the vocals get buried at times.

Exactly. I should automate some high-end away when the guitar plays alone. Can you reamp for me again around July 12th? Of course, you'll get money. I got a few new clients when I released this :D

hi man..great sound..can you dhare the settings of the vst in the master chain please?compressor and gclip..thank you very much

Uh, from my head:
Gclip: 2dB gain, clipping where the transistents meet the rest of the mix. No soft clipping.
Compressor: -4dB treshhold, 50 attack, 100 release. Warm mode or something.
Gclip: Don't know about gain. Use if needed. Cutting some transistents again, very lightly. No soft clipping.
Elephant pretty much just lifts the mix up. Master Punch +3 preset, and then some additional Input Gain. -0,1 output gain.

Wow that was a very detailed response. Tack så mycket :)
Brukar du alltigt använda ampegsvx? Borde man köpa det tror du? Bättre än en pod iaf va? :D

Haha, maybe it was ^^ No problem.
Yes, ampegsvx is awesome! :headbang:
I'd definatly go for it. I don't know about pods, never tried em ^^
But check svx out =)