So farewell to Steve Scott........


PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK
Happy New Year to everyone! Hope you all had a great Christmas too!

Unfortunately we have to begin 2009 with some sad news.
Bassist Steve Scott has decided to make his move to New Zealand a permanent one and as a result has decided it is time for him to leave Power Quest.
We are all very sorry to see him go but wish him all the best in his new life in NZ.
Steve Scott commented…..
"Well it’s been almost 10 years with Dragon Heart (now Dragonforce) and
then Power Quest playing along side Keyboard legend Steve Williams.
Looking back over those years it has been a fabulous time both
recording and touring, too many funny stories as usual from the tours
to go into but maybe I’ll write a book or bring out a DVD with it all.
I would like to thank the guys in the band and management for the
great times we have had and I wish them all the best with the future
tours and recordings.
Life is so sweet here down-under that it just makes damn good sense to
me and to the band to pass the "torch" of Power Metal Bass Playing
over to someone else.....someone who lives a bit closer than the other
side of the world..... so the quest goes on"
Steve Williams reflected on the news…..
“Well, it is the end of an era for sure. Having formed the band with Steve back in 2001 and having played together since 1999, it will certainly be strange not having him alongside us. As you can tell, Steve seems totally happy with his life in NZ and that’s a cool thing. Thanks for everything over the years dude, we’re gonna miss ya!”
Power Quest will now begin the search for a new bass player immediately. Ideally we are looking for someone based in the UK. With a busy year ahead including recording, live shows and a trip to the USA, interested parties can contact or send a package to
Power Quest
115 Vine Road
SO16 5TD


Come on, really? Shit! This is awful news. Terrible. Catastrophic. This is no longer PQ. When an original member who has helped to define the sound leaves it's just not the same band :( Which is really sad. Kiwi Steve was a great musician with PQ and a great showman. I'm sure he had a much bigger influence within the band's world.

It's going to take a while for me to get to grips with this tragic news, no new bassist is going to seem welcome or a fitting replacement :'(

STEVE SCOTT! I BEG YOU TO RECONSIDER! :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:


Come on, really? Shit! This is awful news. Terrible. Catastrophic. This is no longer PQ. When an original member who has helped to define the sound leaves it's just not the same band :( Which is really sad. Kiwi Steve was a great musician with PQ and a great showman. I'm sure he had a much bigger influence within the band's world.

It's going to take a while for me to get to grips with this tragic news, no new bassist is going to seem welcome or a fitting replacement :'(

STEVE SCOTT! I BEG YOU TO RECONSIDER! :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:

What Dom said, but with more emotion (if possible)!

Hopefully a new bassist will fill the slot well. If I was good enough, I would apply, but unfortunatly - I suck!

Anyway, best of luck Kiwi Steve! The Quest Must Go On!

This demands something to make up for it (nothing could but...) - release the Can I Play With Madness cover, or the other 6 songs meant to be on MoI on EP, or another album or more UK tour dates!

Something to make things more cheerful :(
So sad, considering how he's been there from the beginning. Best of luck to him in whatever he plans to do, though. I only wish for the best!

Also, 'headhunting' Mika Horiuchi is an amusing idea. :lol: Though I see him better suited for Cellador anyway. I wonder who's going to be the lucky bastard to join the lineup next?
Come on, really? Shit! This is awful news. Terrible. Catastrophic. This is no longer PQ.

Sorry Power Metal Dom is i could give ou a virtual metal hug here it is ..........

I love PQ and always will the guys in that band are the best and if i didnt call NZ home and love it here etc etc then i would still be in the UK, i gave the UK 10 years of my life and loved it, i have started a new band here in NZ and have a great job and a huge Mansion of a house :) :headbang: The Quest will live on ........

thanks for all your kind words i'm totally blown away by the response, seriously has put tears in my eyes

thanks guys

I think it's without doubt the end of an era. I've known Steve since 1999 and have played in the same band with him for pretty much all that time. We actually met in a rehearsal room in Old Street, London. This may have actually been the first ever Dragonheart rehearsal too.

We've had some fantastic times over the years and I'm sure we'll stay in touch pretty much as usual. As Steve co-founded the band with me it's particularly sad to see him go as that means that of the orginal 4 in the rehearsal room in North Acton in 2001 there's only me remaining.....the other 2 guys of course being Sam and Adam.

Thanks for all your comments guys.....clearly Steve is a little touched by the whole thing! Enjoy NZ dude......I know you've been there for 12 months now so are nicely settled and all that. Thanks for everything over the past decade as well......great bassist...great friend!

This is no longer PQ. When an original member who has helped to define the sound leaves it's just not the same band :(

Hey man, steady on. Sure, any lineup change is a massive setback to a band, but Steve W is still writing all the music, and Alessio is stil singing it, so it's gonna sound pretty much the same. No disrespect to Steve S, but the bass isn't really the most 'individual' sounding instrument in a power metal band. True, there'll be a different guy on stage and in photos, and that'll be weird. But as long as the replacement has an absolutely massive stage presence and performance ability, it's going to be the same band, in my opinion.

Good luck finding a new bassist, guys! Hope you find someone as badass as Steve S.
Gutted to hear the news but at least we have four fantastic albums to remember some fantastic bass playing

All the best for the future Steve
This sucks, but what can you do? Steve's got to follow his heart, and he did dedicate 10 years to this band, so ... The only redeeming thing would be for him to join the guys on stage when the world tour comes to NZ. :p

Thank you for everything, Steve, and be sure to keep us updated on your new project! I wish you the best of luck!
Hey man, steady on. Sure, any lineup change is a massive setback to a band, but Steve W is still writing all the music, and Alessio is stil singing it, so it's gonna sound pretty much the same. No disrespect to Steve S, but the bass isn't really the most 'individual' sounding instrument

I raised the same point with my gf last night. The sound would be changed much more drastically if Alessio, Steve W or Andrea left, those attributing sounds are more obvious. But you just mustn't be able to recognise the subtle but powerful addition of Kiwi Steve because you put ANY other guy in his place and the band's sound simply has changed for ever. Maybe not drastically but it is the end of one PQ and the start of another. Not to say that this new PQ will be worse somehow and not just as epic as always, I'm absolutely sure they will be. :headbang: