so freakin' sick


love is the answer
Nov 12, 2002
Belgrade, Serbia
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I don't get sick all winter and then mid-February I'm all kinds of fucked up.

I'll put it 5 hours at work today though still, because I need money for ciggarretes, but I'm definately not going to class tonight, fuck dat shit.

this weekend is gonna be all about sweaters and soup.

what a horrible week. poo.
it's better, still wrapped up because the gash is huge and hideous but i think it'll heal ok, since it's not bleeding anymore and it doesn't realy hurt much, except when I play air drums in my car and smack it against the steering wheel.
so I thought I was going to work.

I actually passed out on the sofa while clutching my severly overweight shitzu.

I think that's what I need to do though.