So guys who hasn't seen Google Earth yet?


New Metal Member
Oct 10, 2001
southernmost voyage

It's the most amazing thing! You can zoom in anywhere on earth and it's all in 3D and junk!

Here is roughly where Henrik Main lives:

...and so forth

Try it!
Nice to see Henrik down at the docks.

Here's where I live!


I'm trying to find GoD's house, but it's hard since he lives on a fairly large estate where all the roads look the same.

En Vind Av Sorg said:

Apple Macintosh computers are not supported at this time (but we are working on it).

that'll teach you to be a fag
How do you find exact locations like that? I've been trawling the map over my turf...asked a mate who lives a little way away what the name of his road was, pulled the map over a bit a boom it appeared! :erk: right round the corner from my favourite pub...

EDIT: Seems like my town isn't awesome enough to see anything when one zooms in :loco:
live right next to a huge park ... great mountain biking trails ... yes, this is NYC :loco:

Marksveld said:
Hahaha Adrian, you fucking rule.

This is where I live. Argh! All of the fucking neighbors, they are so annoying! :)

ok, i see a swimming pool and I am driving distance from you ... so when can I come over? :loco:
We're actually having that swimming pool filled this very moment, so I'll be expecting you in a couple of hours!

edit: That white blob north of the pool is a Boston Whaler too... but we don't have that anymore. Also, that red car in the driveway is my dad's GTI... another vehicle that we don't own anymore. It makes me wonder how current these pictures are!