So How Bad (Or Good) Is The New Lacuna Coil?


Neuroses Facilitator
Wyvern, I already read your $0.02 on so I know what you think:D...

But for anyone else who has heard it, I'd like to know your opinions. I still haven't heard one second of it. I have purchased this band's catalog ever since their first EP, but all the bad things I've heard has left me wary on purchasing it. I don't want to burn myself by buying something that's just going to piss me off.

Let's put it this way I trade it today for another album :lol:

But yes, what else people think here
It's a good record. No turning back, so those that are dead set on them releasing something that sounds like Lacuna Coil of odl won't like it...
Will it make into my top 10 of 2006? No, still worth owning, this record has more of an America Metal sound to it.
I'll put it to you this way:

This CD came out the same day as Venom's Metal Black and Queensryche's Operation: Mindcrime II, so I had purchased 3 CDs that day.

Two of those three CDs were good. Venom gets the heavier rotation in my CD player, but then again, I've always been a sucker for Venom. :kickass:

Anyone want a copy of Operation:Mindcrime II?
sumairetsu said:
I'll put it to you this way:

This CD came out the same day as Venom's Metal Black and Queensryche's Operation: Mindcrime II, so I had purchased 3 CDs that day.

Two of those three CDs were good. Venom gets the heavier rotation in my CD player, but then again, I've always been a sucker for Venom. :kickass:

Anyone want a copy of Operation:Mindcrime II?

I have a review copy of the Venom Metal Black disc, I have had it for almost 2 months and have yet to hear it... I'll get to it eventually.
I have heard where there's too many Zakk Wyldeisms(i.e. Guitar Squeals)...
Mind Crime was good for One listen and ties the loose ends up.
Otherwise, business as usualy for Ryche....
sumairetsu said:
Anyone want a copy of Operation:Mindcrime II?
I'll take it if you're giving it away :grin:

I've just heard the one song that was on the web, so I'll reserve judgement. I had no intentions of buying it to begin with. They admitted they were going to more of a modern U.S. mainstream sound, and that was 6 months ago. That's when I lost interest.

I'll give it a chance when I get to hear it. But anything that is aimed at the current Headbanger's Ball crowd doesn't exactly put me in the best frame of mind going in.

NP: Lost Horizon - Awakening the World
sixxswine said:
I have heard where there's too many Zakk Wyldeisms(i.e. Guitar Squeals)...

Well, if you're playing the Zakk Wylde Drinking Game (anytime you hear a pinch harmonic, you drink a beer), I think you might have a good buzz going by the end of the album; you probably won't be smashed like you would if you were using an Ozzy album post 1989 or B.L.S. CD
I've been a LC fan since late '97, having purchased each Disc on the day of it's release. However, that trend ceased with the release of the new album. I've heard it 3 times and see no reason to own it (or to even dowload it). The mallcore influence is too strong, it overwhelms the record.

I'll pass, thanks.
Venom new album rocks big time! I love it, they have polished their music still retain the rawness energy of the original tirlogy. It's growing on me rapidly.

As for Lacuna Coil, SM resumed it perfectly (and I played 5 times).

NP: Judas Priest - 'Breaking The Law' (on radio!)
Walter_Langkowski said:
Wyvern, I already read your $0.02 on so I know what you think:D...

But for anyone else who has heard it, I'd like to know your opinions.

I haven't heard it. They have been spotty to me anyways. "Unleashed Memories" is close to a masterpiece in my ears, but I also have "Comalies" and find it to just be "ok." That's all I own by them.

SoundMaster said:
I've been a LC fan since late '97, having purchased each Disc on the day of it's release. However, that trend ceased with the release of the new album. I've heard it 3 times and see no reason to own it (or to even dowload it). The mallcore influence is too strong, it overwhelms the record.

I'll pass, thanks.

SM, do you mean Mallcore by a bunch of repetitive, simplistic guitar riffs and short songs?

And by saying 'heard 3 times', do you mean 1 song or the whole LP?
Bryant said:
I haven't heard it. They have been spotty to me anyways. "Unleashed Memories" is close to a masterpiece in my ears, but I also have "Comalies" and find it to just be "ok." That's all I own by them.


I with ya on that one as far as liking UM a lot better than Coma, and that was their big 'commercial' hit! I think the best songs on that one were the couple that hit the radio. Usually that's not a good sign. To me, their masterpiece is definitely their first full-length album. The songs on that one just hit you one after the other.

I guess after reading some quality Metal opinions on here, I'll just hold off and not deaf-purchase it. The way their album is getting distro'd in America, I'm sure I'll find a used copy in a store around here soon.
I hated them the only good thing was hoping christina would get naked and bang the whole band on stage besides that i almost fell asleep on them at Ozzfest .
Saw them at the Graspop livestream ... Lady has a pretty cool voice but I haven't see someone singing that false very often as that LC guy ....
carnut said:
Saw them at the Graspop livestream ... Lady has a pretty cool voice but I haven't see someone singing that false very often as that LC guy ....

You know what? I actually was pleased the way Andreas vocals improved in "Comalies" I thought they were above the average beauty/beast bands. But since "Karmacode" :Puke: I don't care anymore.

NP: Dream Theater - 'Sacrificed Sons'