So how was Bloodstock?

Would loved to have seen Carcass, Saxon, Blind Guardian, Apocalyptica, Entombed, Satyricon, Amon Amarth, Turisas, Sabaton, Arthemis and Celesty!!!

SO JEALOUS of people with money :D
I had an awesome time! Met up with so many friends that I don't see very often and consumed a great many beers.

Arthemis really delivered with their set although the sound wasn't too great on the Sophie Lancaster stage. Got to briefly meet up with Alessio too which was nice.

Band of the festival for me were Sabaton, despite their criminally low billing. Damn you Han and Andy for not informing me you had crept backstage to see them! Nevertheless, they all signed my aviators earlier in the day and I achieved my aim of both pulling Oskar's beard and touching Joakim's metal machine (i.e. his metal vest thing).

Weirdest moment was being tracked down by the BOA documentary people to give me and Trim an interview about a very silly festival game that we created that has caught on in insane proportions. Then both forgetting to plug my band and realising that I had been wearing a Metalfest t shirt over the 'Spell one I had intended to display. Oops.

I am so sad it's all over. We need to get the Quest there next year!
(This is Andy)
Yes! It was amazing! It was really great seeing Arthemis and briefly meeting a couple of the guys. Sabaton really WERE the band of the festival and I hope BOA learn that they need a longer set than that. Flying themselves and their gear from Sweden for the sake of 30 minutes is terrible.

Oh and sorry for sneeking backstage, Paul. We managed to 'borrow' passes off friends. POWER QUEST FOR 2010!