so i actually got mad about something, took action, and it worked.

the_preppy said:
oh i had tons of games as a kid, but i dont think since i've lived alone that i have ever gone out and bought one.
i kicked major ass at: uncle wiggly, operation, stratego, risk, trivial pursuit, connect four, trouble, sorry, and motherfucking mouse trap yo.


I hated sorry but the others were just what the dr. ordered.

2 seconds later:

OMG FIREBALL ISLAND BEST GAME EVER (for like the first 3 times you played it then it was dumb)
i played the Smurfs board game with my five-year-old cousin at Christmas...the one where you have to collect baskets of acorns and grapes and berries and shit. it had this awesome feature where there were two wheels built into the board that causes like 18 spaces to be randomly either "safe" or "AZRAEL". lucas was very spiteful and kept giving up his turn to turn the wheel to AZRAEL when i was on the flux space and making me lose fruit baskets.