So I am the youngest person here?

Aug 31, 2004
It seems to me that most of the people on the board, at least, are in the 20-40 age range. Is this pretty representative of the people of the festival? I just turned 15 last Thursday, and I think I'm the youngest person on the Prog-Power boards. I guess it's unfortunate that there aren't more younger people here.
You're probably one of the youngest, if not *the* youngest. It's great to see people getting into prog/power at such a young age. I got into prog at 14 myself, so I can relate. I went to shows with my older brother since none of my friends even knew what prog was. I'm 19 now though, and I have a couple of people to accompany me now. :)
I can relate to some degree too, like Prog Maiden. I got into power metal at 14 with Kamelot, but not prog. ;) Now I don't care for prog metal (outside of Pain Of Salvation, if you even want to begin to try and classify them), and enjoy prog rock. :)
Barking Pumpkin said:
It seems to me that most of the people on the board, at least, are in the 20-40 age range. Is this pretty representative of the people of the festival? I just turned 15 last Thursday, and I think I'm the youngest person on the Prog-Power boards. I guess it's unfortunate that there aren't more younger people here.
We're all young at heart, brother !!
You guys just keep the faith. I started listening to hard rock/metal when KISS ALIVE came out in '75. I quit listening to KISS when the first Maiden album came out in '80 (Priest had turned my head before that). Along the way, I've seen a lot of "fans" drop by the wayside to listen to country or just 'classic' rock (some of which is cool). I run into an old friend the other day that I hung with back in the early '80s. Lots of UFO, Saxon, Schenker, etc. we listened to loyally. I asked him what he had bought lately and he just laughed and said he had been listening to country and hadn't heard any new metal in quite a while. Having said all that, I'm sure fans from this board are more than loyal, an elite group here. I learn a lot from you guys.
I used to be a youngie three years ago, during ProgPower III...

Now, you do realize you prolly won't get into the PreParty, right? LOL... like it happened to me....
I'm a youngie too.....................................39................................................. I'm so old I saw Ozzy with Randy Rhoads and Rainbow with Graham Bonnett.....And Kiss with Makeup (the first time around)
I was 17 at my first progpower, and 19 now. I didn't have a problem getting into the preparty - you only had to be 18, not 21, and I had fake ID. I hope the age won't be 21 this year... :erk:

I haven't really had anyone to go with, but this year I'm going with four people, so it should be more enjoyable. We really should've made some arrangement for us under-21ers to meet. I think I was standing in line beside you, were a big Into Eternity fan, ja?
I've been listening to metal since I was 13. I'd like to call myself a "music" fan as opposed to a metal fan. I listen to all genres of metal as well as recently getting into jazz and classical. Of course, all this variety means I don't have as impressive a variety of bands I listen to in each genre yet as a lot of you do.
I remember when I first heard The Glass Prison in 2002 when I was 14 or 15. My first progmetal. It was fucking monumental... :cool:

I wanted to go to PPV this past year, but it wasn't possible. So my first progpower is lined up right there with my first month of college. That's either really cool or really chaotic. We'll see. :D
Megawozniak said:
I was 17 at my first progpower, and 19 now. I didn't have a problem getting into the preparty - you only had to be 18, not 21, and I had fake ID. I hope the age won't be 21 this year...

I haven't really had anyone to go with, but this year I'm going with four people, so it should be more enjoyable. We really should've made some arrangement for us under-21ers to meet. I think I was standing in line beside you, were a big Into Eternity fan, ja?

Yeah, that would be me. :D I hung out with the band a lot over the weekend, and I was sporting my Dead or Dreaming shirt on Friday when they performed. Did I chat with you? I can't remember everyone.

DementiaGuitar said:
I wanted to go to PPV this past year, but it wasn't possible. So my first progpower is lined up right there with my first month of college. That's either really cool or really chaotic. We'll see. :D

Hey, nothing wrong with that. ;) I went to my first Progpower my first year of college, and it was most excellent. Fortunately the event was over the first week of school, so skipping two days wasn't very detrimental to my grades.
Originally posted by Prog Maiden
Hey, nothing wrong with that. I went to my first Progpower my first year of college, and it was most excellent. Fortunately the event was over the first week of school, so skipping two days wasn't very detrimental to my grades.

Ah cool. I'm gonna try not to skip any days, but I feel better now knowing that if I have to it won't hurt my grades much. Hell even if it does, it'll be worth it, but I'd still rather not screw up right away. ;)
Hey don't feel bad i was just about to turn 18 my first and this is my this year will by 3rd so that would make PPIV. the main group i am going with this year ranges from 16 to 23, but sadily i must admit now that while i turn 21 in september its not till the 22nd DANM!!!! oww well lots of fun for me and my friends and i do have to say i am quite suprised with number us that are this age and now metal will live one for another generation. I plan on being one of the cool mother that actually can enjoy music with my children unlike my mom who says quite often on car trips "we are not lissoning to that noise." :OMG: oww well, back to homework and school.


PS we should so all meet up that would kicks ass.
DementiaGuitar said:
Ah cool. I'm gonna try not to skip any days, but I feel better now knowing that if I have to it won't hurt my grades much. Hell even if it does, it'll be worth it, but I'd still rather not screw up right away. ;)

just try, not happenign here. school states around the first of september. On my campus noone really has class on thursday and so ya i am leaving wed. night after class, driving 6 hours home. were i will in turn the next drive 5 hours to atlanta, go to see nightwish and then progpower. Meanwhile spending lots of money and having fun cause school just takes so much out of me. best of all on sunday i get to leave about 8 am go back home drop people off then drive back to school. get in late, be in class on monday morning. ya lots of fun

FYI: do your homework for thsoe days you will miss and for monday before you leave. Take all test early and turn essays in early if possable so your professor see taht you are really dedicated to your work and try not miss much more class. It work i swear and i am at a fucking hard private collage.