So I decided to finally celebrate my 21st birthday.


Jul 3, 2003
Everett, WA
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Did what all people usually do on their 21st; Got booze. All this time I've been restricted to what other people liked and bought which usually means the cheap stuff. So I figured I can choose what I drink now and I always heard Guinness referred to as one of the best around. So I got it and off my friend and I went to his place with several different kinds of alcohol. When we finally got around to cracking open a can I almost spit it back up I was so repulsed.. So the point of this thread is why is Guinness so shitty? I was forced to consume "bitch drinks" the rest of the night.

How is this Maiden related you might ask? Well I considered playing some in my truck on the way over to my friends house, but I ended up not doing it.
I've only tasted Guiness once (and just a sip at that - I am not a drinker), and thought it tasted like heavy, murky beer.

Apparently someone can live quite healthily on nothing but guiness... mind you, after a while all your teeth would fall out, and you'd start losing vital signs, but as long as you could keep drinking I suppose... :lol:
I'm not a real drinker either. I prefer soda. I'm kind of relieved I don't like Guinness actually.. It's too pricey. There is a excellent local brew for much cheaper.

If I ever go to Ireland I'll try it again.