so, I got into writing some djent..

The tone is a bit too scooped and Line6'd sounding for my taste and for some reason I 'feel' like I want it to be a bit faster tempo wise. I think the writing is cool though. Keep running with it! :)

i really wanted to use the 8505, but i honestly couldn't be bothered going into windows to do it, and have those annoying CPU usage issues.. i've got the DIs though, i might get round to it another time!

and yea, it does really sound of line 6 listening back.. hah

Cool clip!

Please don't take this the wrong way and its really not an issue worth debating, but I've just seen this come up a lot here lately. I think there is some general confusion about what "djent" is. Many years ago that word was used to describe Meshuggah's guitar sound on the None EP and Destroy Erase Improve and even a little bit on Chaosphere. The word literally sounds like the guitars do on their wet palm mutes.

This was the first sound that I ever heard the term to describe "djent".

Your clip is more in sync with Meshuggah's newer style which has none of that djent factor that made the word famous. The new sound is more of a "boiiiing" sound than anything. Perhaps a lot of people just automatically associate djent with Meshuggah and the new 8 string sound they have.

Anyway, that's all I've got on that topic. This doesn't take away from your clip at all, I'm just bringing this up for the hell of it and nothing more!

haha, you're right.

to be honest, i just kind of associate math metal with the word "djent".

i might try writing more to this style tomorrow, i'm kind of liking it! aha.

no-one else? i'd like feedback on anything i can improve! haha
