So I got my tax return and I need help deciding which drum program to buy...

Dylan S

Feb 27, 2009
Hey guys,

The title says it all really. I have used EZdrummer with DFH extensively and I got over it after a short time, but dealt with it for a very long time, and I hate it now. A friend of mine gave me a copy of Addictive Drums to try out, and I have to say, it is much better than EZdrummer, but now I have some solid money and I really want to invest it in a great drum program that is going to give me tonnes of tweaking options and much higher quality sounds!

I'm obviously looking at Superior Drummer 2.0 and Steven Slate Drums (as well as the LE version), and I just need some general insight into what you guys think is going to be the best deal. I know the LE version of SSD is very affordable compared to the (and has all the same options, just fewer kits) platinum version and 2.0, but if it can't do what I want then I don't want it.

I am basically after solid metal sounds, like what a lot of guys get here. Nevermore, Behemoth, etc, really big sounds. I know that both programs are very capable, and I'll make a good choice with either of them, but if anyone has any insight into just pure heavy metal specifics then I would greatly appreciate your input. :)
if you are programming go for superior 2

if you are replacing go with slate.

I would most likely be doing a lot of programming, as I use drums as a songwriting tool as well.

I haven't really heard anything that would suggest to me that Slate is far harder to use to program beats than 2.0 though. Is this the case?

No one have anything to say with relation to using the LE pack for some death metal?
It's not an issue of either program being hard to program beats in, it's an issue of S2.0 sounding better than Slate for ground-up programming work.


i find superior 2 to sound way more natural and is a better starting point. ideally you'd have superior 2 for your "actual tracks" and use the slate samples for blending in.

superior 2's sampler is FAR superior to slates, and tbh anything else available, its just awesome.

The avatar kit in superior 2 is really great too, but you'll probably want to be replacing the kicks with something.

i find superior 2 to sound way more natural and is a better starting point. ideally you'd have superior 2 for your "actual tracks" and use the slate samples for blending in.

superior 2's sampler is FAR superior to slates, and tbh anything else available, its just awesome.

The avatar kit in superior 2 is really great too, but you'll probably want to be replacing the kicks with something.
and the expansion, The Metal Foundry, is also pretty cool too!
Depends on your budget Dylan - S2.0 is 3 times as much as SSD 3.5 EX will be (when it's released in hopefully under a month), and given Steve-o's fantastic customer support and involvement on here (not to mention the anti-machine gun thing they're putting in it), I'm confident it'll sound great for my needs! And I usually mix cymbals low enough (as they are in most metal songs, I might add) that I doubt the semi-robotic nature of 'em (at least compared to S2.0) won't bother me all that much.
Thank you so much for pointing me in the direction of SSD 3.5 EX man. :) I had no idea that was happening at all and what it even was. If it is a lot cheaper than 2.0 I will definitely have to look at it. Over here in Auz, 2.0 will cost me around 430 AUD or maybe a tad bit cheaper. :(
By the looks of it, I can get this Slate EX pack for only 99 USD, and then get the Metal Deluxe expansion for only another 49 USD, which is WELL under half the price of 2.0 with Metal Foundry, which to me looks like a very serious 'goer'. :)
fwiw, we'll have a new demo of the cracky metal kit from the upcoming 3.5 any day now.. it sounds pretty f'ing great. The deluxe metal pack is in recording mode, due out end of summer.
Thanks Slate. I'll most likely be hitting up 3.5 EX and getting the deluxe metal pack. They sound like some killer deals!

I just hope I can program the drums well myself without relying on all the beats and stuff I have in EZdrummer as a basis, but I guess I'll have to figure out how to do it all from scratch at some point. :)

Can I use this demo of the cracky kit by itself or do I have to have an existing Slate product to use it? If it is just a demo that any old bob can use, like myself, I'd be very excited to give it a go. :)

I was probably getting a bit optimistic. I am just excited to get ahold of something that sounds way better than EZdrummer or Addictive Drums. Addictive Drums is loads better than EZdrummer I think, but this stuff is another notch up again.