So I Inherited a Fish at Work...


Jan 11, 2004
Denzel, WA.
I switched desks at work, and the person told me I could keep the fish tank... so I’m looking at it and there’s only one fish in there... So I question why such a big tank with a filter for only one fish....

Apparently this fish ate the other fish that were once in there.... so I ask David for help with a name based on this fish's cannibalistic nature. and he came up with the perfect name Albert Fish, wiki him to see info.

Say hello to my new pal at work:

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Yep that's an amazing name for a cannibal fish hahaha.

I wonder if they'd let me have a fish tank at my cube...
I can see you've got a window and that makes it automatically way cooler than mine :D
Must be nice, we can have two personal pictures and NOTHING else in our cubes at work. No hanging anything on walls, no nothing..... A fish tank would just rock!