so i learned a new trick for making drums THUMP...

colonel kurtz

Sep 7, 2006
so i was sitting in my recording arts class today, and our teacher was showing us a bunch of mixing he tricks that he used on a recent project, and there was one that i thought was pretty cool, and would probably be helpful for metal and whatnot

anyways...he was having a problem with a lack of low-end on the kick...even with the use of EQ, i guess he just couldn't quite get it to sound right

so get this...dude sidechains the kick into a signal generator(gated, set to 40hz). every time the kick hit, BOOM! pure 40hz thump in your face. maybe not the most revolutionary thing ever, but i've never heard of anybody sidechaining into a signal generator before, so i thought it might be cool to share.
Actually I think James Murphy has used that "trick" before on a few productions. I know he's talked about it before on AIM with me.

For the same thing I just use RBass and set it to 40Hz, it gives the kick a good even dose of 40Hz thump whenever it hits. Same difference.

My friend and I did that on our old band's EP about 5 years ago, I think it was Pro Tools LE 5.2 or something, haha. Neither of us knew an awful lot about mixing back then, but we sure had a lot of fun!
Be careful to tune the frequency to the key of the song. Using something like this note frequencies.jpg you can make sure that the tone isn't dissonant with the song. I'll post a better graph when I have a second, that was just the first one I pulled up this time.

A bit of compression never hurts on the sine wave....and make sure your speakers are turned down when you open a signal gen.... Sometimes they start loudly
i usually find the thump in a snare to be around 200hz...but again, that'll depend on the size of the snare and the tuning, so it could possibly be up around 300
yea, i downloaded earlier and loaded up in Reaper the daw I'm using. they are calling it Sub-Bass Synthesizer on their site - but it's mda sub-synth when you get it loaded.
Actually I think James Murphy has used that "trick" before on a few productions. I know he's talked about it before on AIM with me.

For the same thing I just use RBass and set it to 40Hz, it gives the kick a good even dose of 40Hz thump whenever it hits. Same difference.


yeah thats exactly what i do, usually more around 50-60hz tho, scared to go any lower than that on fast metal stuff.
I was thinking the other day that i wanna try this on bass guitar as well (around 80-90 hz), i've used rbass on bass guitar before but not sidechained so i wanna give that a go at somepoint (might help keep mid grindyness).