So I made a song...

I hate threads that start with "So, I". It annoys me.
So I made a song.
So I farted today.
So I had a wank this morning.
So I went to the shops on a bus and it gave me an orgasm.
So I got fed up with threads that start "So I".
I am downloading your song though so it better be fucking good.
You know, I get annoyed with that "So, I..." shit too but then I did it.
What was I thinking. Oh well.

Yes, my song is total awesomness wrapped into a shit package at a whopping 36 seconds.
TakinTheMusicBack said:
At least it only lst 36 seconds. Maybe next time you could make it shorter? Like no seconds?

Can someone take a picture of Big Gay Al from South Park, and put in rainbow letters at the bottom "Silly Goose Alert!" for me. This post deserves that prestige.

Is that close enough?