So I tore apart my Apex Ribbon...

Glenn Fricker

Very Metal &Very Bad News
Mar 6, 2005
22 Acacia Avenue
I've got an Apex 210 ribbon mic kicking around that I use occasionally: It's also known as a Nady & a T-Bone. The big fucker. I've used it to take the edge off a really nasty Takamine acoustic & on violin as well. It certainly has it's uses.

Been reading alot on modding these mics over the last few days. Removing the excess windscreens, putting proper tension on the ribbon & swapping out the transformer for something good.

...Anyway, thought I'd tear it apart & see how to do it. Surprisingly, it's not that complex. ...You just need a delicate touch. What's even more surprising is that I managed to put it back together, & it even worked!!!

Think I'm gonna order up a Cinemag Transformer & do the mod. I'll take pictures & post the results.

...Stay tuned.
There seem to be alot of mods reguarding simple mods to make it sound better. I remember a certain shure LDC where it was suggested that the plastic screen up front behind the metal screen be removed.

I have seen more in depth mods for mix including adding another PCB or swapping capsules. Seems to me though that at that point your really taking away from the original characture of the mic (well if it's a cheapo chinese mic then I guess who cares).

Never modded a mic yet though.