I feel pretty, oh so pretty... Metal fans officially delicate

I'm fairly hard-working, have good self-esteem and outgoing(for the most part). I do agree that most metalheads are lazy fucks tho'. The majority I know expect life to be handed to them and are mooches.
I'm not really hard working and not outgoing. Don't have a low self esteem though, but blanket generalizations like that never seem to be right
the study combines rock and metal, which i think we would all agree is a problem since the 2 styles and fans are often very different. also, i would argue the "not hard working" and "low selft esteem" comments as well...

I agree. I would say I am very hard working and borderline conceited. :lol: And I'm outgoing around people I know. Otherwise, that MP3 player is in my ears, but that's because I don't like people. :lol:
Take his questionnaire here.

It more or less fits me. The overwhelming majority of metalheads I know are not outgoing people. If you interpret "hard-working" into "prioritizing material goods" than a large amount of metalheads are not especially hard working.
Anecdotal evidence doesn't really count for shit. All of the people I've known who are really into metal are neither lazy nor chronically unemployed. I don't really think that proves shit about shit. The problem here is that these terms like 'hard working' are not even defined. What is the definition of 'hard working' that these people are going on? If it's supposed to mean something like 'materialistic ambitions' then it's really not a negative thing to not be hard working as far as I'm concerned. There's a difference between that and actually working hard at shit that matters. I suspect I could be considered not hard working simply because I've been making the same amount of money for the past 6 years but that doesn't mean I'm not hard working in every sense. I'm just not working harder than I need to sustain myself. Just because somebody is not trying to get promoted so they can buy more useless plastic shit doesn't mean they're lazy. I'd really like to see what is meant by this notion of 'hard working'. Yeah, if this post is completely retarded please understand that I've had many beers in the past few hours.
What about people like me who really do enjoy nearly all forms of music? :<

Not country though.

Fuck country.
It depends on the country for me. Some is real shit, but some of the more alternative stuff my sister listens to is good.
I feel like most people who say they listen to everything except 1 genre, either don't really listen to everything, or are judging the genre based on shitty popular bands and haven't actually taken the time to explore it and find the talent in it.
Me too. I try not to say I hate a genre. Because with a lot of styles I don't like I'm just too lazy to find the good stuff in it.
I've never met anyone in my entire life who actually listens to everything. People who say that annoy me, because it's not true and even if there's any truth to it, it's because they put forth minimal effort to understand anything that they claim they take interest in. They're very simple-minded and too open-minded that it borders on complete ignorance. What NinjaGeek said, they probably only listen to a handful of popular bands from a few basic genres.
There ARE people who listen to a plethora of genres out of interest. You can relate to and appreciate multiple forms of music without simply skimming through the topmost part of the pile if you've got a patient enough mind to give the music a chance at trying to 'convince you' and make sense to you with what its trying to do.

To get into it, I used to think like the fans of a particular kind of music, or observe the band members'/person's body language, the lyrics.. in order to form a picture in mind about what kind of environment the music was all about to kick things off. Then the music itself would just fit in the right corners of your mind and start touching all the right parts that it wants to. The music 'speaks to you'.
There are people who listen to lots of genres, and probably a small few who listen to everything. But it's a very time consuming process and it doesn't come easy.

I myself listen to lots of genres and so far I haven't found a genre that I couldn't get into (though I wouldn't say I listen to everything, and probably couldn't even name every genre if I tried). It's also possible to find the underground stuff without too much effort, (like someone who wanted to get into metal could easily find this site, ask for some awesome underground stuff and be into brutal death metal and kvlt black metal in a matter of minutes), but to fully understand a genre takes time.

I have little blips of this and that from a large amount of genres, but probably only a few that I have a solid understanding of the whole scene. I've only been *really* into music for a few years though, and I think in 10-20 years I'll probably be into many more genres and have a deeper understanding of the current ones. It's sort of an ongoing process, and with the amount of new music that comes out, I don't know how possible it would be to stay up to date with every genre, but I suppose you could do it if you were dedicated enough.

My earlier point was just that, it's generally a good tip off when someone says they listen to everything but 1 thing, that they don't listen to everything. Generally people who listen to a wide variety of genres aren't turned off by a genre as whole, although there might be genres they haven't gotten into yet.
I've never met anyone in my entire life who actually listens to everything. People who say that annoy me

When people say that I ask them if they listen to Ravi Shankar.

I think its impossible to listen to everything really. Theres tons of music and even getting into all of it would take years.