so i tried and set up a fake


Dear FuSoYob,

Nonsense. To affiliate me with that sniggery xfer buffoon is a travesty, an act as futile as an attempt to sail the mighty Atlantic utilising a slice of tissue and a patch of oil slick for a boat bottom.

The verve!


- The Idea Professor

Ho ho ho, my good man! When we, how shall I say, ASSUME, you make a bit of an "ass" (as in the beast, not the bum) out of "you" (as in the letter) and "me"!


- The Idea Professor

Dear Kayo-dotes,

I fear no man-made construct, be it binary log or pecan. You think you can trace my roots? By searching the so-called "data"base of this forum, alone? You think you might be on to something?

You do not want to raise my ire, young men.

That one... very nearly costed you.

- The Only I.P. Whom Matters
