So I was on a plane coming home...


May 16, 2004
Orlando, Florida USA
from a fencing tournament in Tennessee... and my plane was outfitted with free XM Radio. The kickass thing about this is that you could listen to XM without interruption while taking off and landing, cuz it's satellite.

So the best station they had was a prog rock station. I switch it to that and instantly had Dream Theater pouring through my headphones.

After that, Pink Floyd followed along with -believe it or not- PORCUPINE TREE!!!!!!!

however, PT ended as soon as we were at a distance where jumping from the plane would kill me.

Then it was a wall to wall shit fest of unsigned bands who thought they were geniuses by playing the worlds shittiest music.

so to summarize: XM radio sucks the big one.
Porcupine Tree is awesome, I went to their concert Monday April 11th, their new "Deadwing" album is by far the greatest album released in 2005 so far and I can't imagine it'll be surpassed by any band this year..

PT = :worship:
MadTinus said:
Porcupine Tree is awesome, I went to their concert Monday April 11th, their new "Deadwing" album is by far the greatest album released in 2005 so far and I can't imagine it'll be surpassed by any band this year..

PT = :worship:

ive never heard porcupine tree, they are getting some great comments from people in this and other forums, i have to check em out now
MadTinus said:
Porcupine Tree is awesome, I went to their concert Monday April 11th, their new "Deadwing" album is by far the greatest album released in 2005 so far and I can't imagine it'll be surpassed by any band this year..

PT = :worship:
I saw them two days later here in Berlin. Though I was mainly there because of Anathema. Porcupine Tree was one of the bands I always wanted to check out, but never managed to do so. That evening they definitely rocked, but somehow it was not my kind of music. Probably too soft and positive. Not evil enough, you know. But since it's Progressive Rock I thought I should give them a second chance. Next day I got Deadwing... In the beginning it was the same feeling as the night before, but after some passes I realised how amazing it is. Especially the songs that were played live. The first five if I remember correctly. Some days later I got In Absentia and now I think of buying something older like Signify or The Sky Moves Sideways. Or would you recommend anything else?

btw: Long-time silent reader, who finally registered. So, greetings to all you "regulars". :D
xblah said:
I saw them two days later here in Berlin. Though I was mainly there because of Anathema. Porcupine Tree was one of the bands I always wanted to check out, but never managed to do so. That evening they definitely rocked, but somehow it was not my kind of music. Probably too soft and positive. Not evil enough, you know. But since it's Progressive Rock I thought I should give them a second chance. Next day I got Deadwing... In the beginning it was the same feeling as the night before, but after some passes I realised how amazing it is. Especially the songs that were played live. The first five if I remember correctly. Some days later I got In Absentia and now I think of buying something older like Signify or The Sky Moves Sideways. Or would you recommend anything else?
Glad to hear you "saw the light" concering PT ;).

Since you, like me, are kind-of working your way back through their backcatalogue, I'd suggest you get Lightbulb Sun and Stupid Dream first and then Signify and whatever other album.. Those 2 albums are more in the direction of Deadwing and In Absentia. One problem though, those 2 albums are pretty hard to get (legally ;)).. Pretty much the only way to get them is through ebay and people pay serious amounts of money for copies of those CD's (usually 30 euro or more..).

If you use some P2P program, the albums are pretty easy to download.. Which I did as well, but I have bought Lightbulb Sun on ebay (for a relatively good price) and I might get Stupid Dream from the same guy as well, I must email him about it ;).

Now I will continue listening to Deadwing > The Start Of Something Beautiful, what an utterly amazing song...