So I was on my way home from University today...


Not actually Soy
Aug 26, 2006
and some guy in a CoBHC t-shirt pulls up next to me... now ironically i was listening to WOOOS so of course i had to blast his eardrums out with Asator... let him know who i favour more on this coming tour :heh: :heh: :heh:
Keep it up Söy!

Hehehehe that's what I do every Sunday for 3 hours...I blast AA in my friend Oliver's ear during our glassblowing shop hours. I haven't converted him to a fan yet, but I am sure it will happen by the end of the semester muuahaahaa...
Verdandi said:
That certainly showed him!

reminds of the time i was walking my dog and some 14-year-old boys tried to prove they were tough and 'hardcore' by singing Greenday at me. Bless their uncorrupted little hearts, I laughed until I nearly cried.
Chancy u! this kind of kids are so many here that I can no more bear them:heh: , I call them HRADES cos they'r thinking they'r too cool or I donno shit what; I just wanna kill them all by strangling em with their LINKIN PARK tee shirts;
Damn I'm alone and cannot kill them all by my self
cadavria said:
Chancy u! this kind of kids are so many here that I can no more bear them:heh: , I call them HRADES cos they'r thinking they'r too cool or I donno shit what; I just wanna kill them all by strangling em with their LINKIN PARK tee shirts;
Damn I'm alone and cannot kill them all by my self

people still wear Linkin Park t-shirts? :lol:
DragonKeeper said:
I blast AA in my friend Oliver's ear during our glassblowing shop hours..

Again i have a great reason to go OT, i mean WTF?!?!? glassblowing shop hours?! NIIIIIIIICE man i have always wanted to teach that! seriously, that sounds so fucking cool to shape glass in weird figures