so i was sending chupe a package today.

Xtokalon said:
i'm sure she can handle a little flame, there's no need to play the hero. besides, i'm not the one who's being ganged up in here and having to reply to absurd posts (see goatschool's), which now includes yours and Vangelic Surgeon's. also, if you think calling someone already engaged in a flame war, "a little girl" over the internet is the lowest shit, you've got problems.

anyway, i'd appreciate a little objectivity here. it's usually not much to ask. otherwise, my apologies to this board for bringing in the "bad vibes."

personas like yours are a dime a dozen. in fact, have been since day one.

you are too rigid to observe your own absurdity (denial or ignorance of the basic concept that you came on this thread with a snide tone, and brought the escalation on to yourself), thus, you have truly earned the honor of the title of "dickhead moroboshi".

therefore, i suggest anyone who is anyone refer to xtokalon as such.

you'll get no objectivity from me. i internet hate you. i 'in real life' hate you. if i met you, i would not hesitate to tell you to eat shit. you are boring, a brief glance at your posting history cuts a portrait of a sexist dullard, and if you feel as though you are justified in coming onto a thread with grand claims about hard science yet back down from actually getting into a discussion about it, due to gender, no less, you are now a historical joke in the annals of this board's existence.

fuck you and your high horse made of gauze.
Dear xTokealotta,

If you do not have the time to tutor the little girl contingent, might I surmise (suggest?) the thrust of your knowledge as reserved for those of the chromosome known as Y?

A simple inquiry,

My pleasure!

- The Idea Professor

Xtokalon said:
people who get melodramatic over the internet as you are doing, have to be screwed up in some way.. either that or they're so haughty they actually get affronted by anyone contradicting them in anyway. that's weak. but i'm not expecting sense from you. your 2 penny pride can be hurt and moved but you'll have to deal with that.


despite this, you're still in denial.

snooze. drama queen.

anyway, i'm gone for the weekend. this post has delayed my departure to NYC for too long.

i think you mean NES. toodles.
Is it me or this this has gone way too melodramatic for nothing. Although somebody might take insult in some of the things that were written I don't see what the big deal is. Xtokalon seems to be an instigator, which I sometimes am. Somebody that will stir things up to engage discussion or in order to make the opposition take things personnally and emotionnally at which point he becomes on automatic command of a rational argumentation because of the emotional nature of the discussion on one side of the table.

It is quite a successful argumentation technique when not dealing with the uninitiated. I personnally tend to be a little more politically correct by saying that what the person says is stupid, hence having a way out if he/she accuses you of saying tha he/she was stupid.
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FalseTodd said:
Man, I don't care how annoyed you are at preppy's behavior, and I don't care if you're right. Denegrating people by calling them "little girls" is just the lowest shit.
I call everyone "little"
But I have justification :)
Xtokalon said:
i'm sure she can handle a little flame, there's no need to play the hero. besides, i'm not the one who's being ganged up in here and having to reply to absurd posts (see goatschool's), which now includes yours and Vangelic Surgeon's. also, if you think calling someone already engaged in a flame war, "a little girl" over the internet is the lowest shit, you've got problems.

anyway, i'd appreciate a little objectivity here. it's usually not much to ask. otherwise, my apologies to this board for bringing in the "bad vibes."
My response had nothing to do with "playing the hero": taking a shot at someone based on their gender is fucked up shitty, and I think you know it. I said it was "low" not because it was a low blow, but because its pathetic. "Low" as in, "should have been beneath you".

If my "problems" include not knowing the depth that people will sink to under the shield of anonymity, fine.

Furthermore, my post was absolutely objective in terms of who I was saying it to. It had nothing to do with the argument that you were involved in, or who you were attacking. It had to do with a stupid stupid comment.