So I was playing my game today and ...


Aug 31, 2009
The graphics got glitched. Guess what I saw?



How did the game pick my theocracy cover pictures? I dunno, but I thought it was so funny! Theocracy rocks so much they're glitching games :lol: JK
I do not think this is a glitch - it's Matt Smith's secret Theocracy promotion virus - next a Theocracy banner will pop up when you start playing Minesweeper or Spider Solitaire!

Haha the theocracy virus! :rofl:

What game is that?
it's a free mmo fps game called Crossfire. don't ask how I did that, it was totally random (happened three times thou, only showed theocracy once though :Smug:)
Haha, yeah, but instead of the MoS CD art, it should show the picture of Matt with his Marshall Amp...

...Only cut it off from the elbows down. Just Matt all over the place.

[edit] - Also, someone please shop swords into those hands. That would make this pic 387298147123890471% cooler.
[edit] - Also, someone please shop swords into those hands. That would make this pic 387298147123890471% cooler.
For some reason I was trying to give someone else credit for this post, and that last line I thought sounded just like something you would say...then I realized it was you, bahaha.

I agree, someone needs to photoshop swords in there. Or a light saber.

and maybe some chain mail?
Let's just turn him into an all-out Viking.

Like, armor? Or like a money piramid scheme?

And in retrospect, photoshop might not be as good as using mspaint. Ask Escapist. I edited a pic of her once... turned out pretty nice.

And it made my sister forever hate you...
Well, maybe not forever. :) hehe

If Theocracy ever makes official Theocracy tacos, that picture should be the inspiration for the box image. :D

EDIT: For those interested, here's the link to the pictures (and warsome comments, bahaha):