Matt Smith: Zombie Incident Reporter

Jun 25, 2007
Virginia, USA
This is extremely random but thought the forum members might find it amusing. I have been on a Resident Evil streak lately - replaying all the old games and playing the newer ones I missed when they came out. So I have had several zombie dreams over the last month.

A few nights ago, just as a zombie outbreak was beginning to get noticed in my dream, Matt Smith showed up to get the scoop for a news station. He was still himself though, and when some fans noticed him, they got him to do a metal scream :rock:. A mob of normal humans proceeded to chant the lyrics to a Theocracy song that Matt started them on and he slipped away while they were singing. I got to ask him a few questions about current Theocracy happenings and then he went off to get details on the zombie story and I went to get guns and figure out an escape route :) I'm not sure if he escaped LOL

He is not the first prog/metal celeb to show up in my crazy dreams. I once dreamed the three guys from Rush were working on some plumbing under a trailor near my house, and then they proceeded to have a huge concert in my back yard (which was infinitely larger in my dream).

This concludes my randomness :)
I dreamed about Matt's cat... believe me it could be worse 0.o

P.S. welcome back man! It's been a while since I've seen you around here.
Now that we are all confessing, I once had a dream I was playing Matt's guitar in a garage without him knowing. I felt guilty.
Hahahahaha! And hey, Val, the reason I had such a dream was a mix of pills, staying up late listening to Theocracy that night, and watching the "Trumacracy" video. I was like in an arcade style video game with a cover that resembled the Theocracy S/T album cover... except it had Truman on it and all sorts of other cat things instead of a serpent, globe, book, castles burning, etc. It was weird.
Either I'm not good at dreaming, or you guys should stay away from the stuff, whatever it is. Or tell me what it is...