So I'm back...

Ryan VH

Go Forth And Die!
Jul 8, 2006
Los Angeles, California
AHHHHHHHHHH FUCK TODAY SUCKED! I got back from Cuernavaca, Mexico. Sadly, I got no pictures. My dumb ass friend had to delete my pictures on accident (not purposely) so yeah I had good pictures that are now at waste.

The other thing that sucked about today was that I had to Urgent Care the hour after I got home. 2 nights ago or yesterday morning I got bit by a spider or something. I told my bitchy teacher (who I've had problems with in the past) and all she says is "Ryan, everyone has bug bites so stop complaining." I have other bug bites too but this one is different. Later on in the day it because a little black circle and two puncture holes appear and it starts getting red around it. Of course my stupid teacher was going to do nothing so I didn't even mention it. I had to wait until I saw my mom and she finally took my to Urgent Care when it came to the point where my entire foot swelled up and I couldn't flex it or bend my toes. Now I'm on Anti-biotics and it's actually helping though it still hurts like a bitch.

Other than that, the trip was actually pretty fun. I'll get some pictures from other people and post them up soon.
Spiders (and mosquitos) think I'm tasty, so I feel your pain :(

I'm glad you had fun...It sucks that you lost your piccies!
no i'm just making up some random place in mexico along with some random story

sorry im kinda tired. actually really tired. im going to go to sleep right now. VH.....
I was just trying to annoy you hehe. I'll read your thread and post a serious answer later.
Apparently I was really tired last night because I woke up at 7 AM fully clothed and with the lights still on. I had been drinking and smoking A LOT though.