So I'm no longer allowed in Brockton...


Dec 21, 2001
Yesterday, I had to make a run up to the Registry office in Brockton, MA due to an RMV fuck up. The next closest one w/ a hearings officer is an additional 30+ minutes away. So I am coming off an exit ramp and the person behind me, by her own admission, is more concerned with the traffic on the road we're turning onto. So she rearends my dad's car.
As you can imagine, this really cheesed me off. It's a minor accident but still not my car and I kind of liked being backpain free for awhile. So the cops arrive. Next thing you know, I am dazed for "no reason whatsoever." This results in their searching me and the car. While doing so, they proceed to leave personal articles (that would've gone $$$ to replace) on the rear of the car without telling me.
After they cleared me, the officer handed us our paperwork and had a very sympathetic chat with the driver at fault. She then came over to my window to insinuate I had taken drugs because if one's back is hurt from a jolt, there's no way they could possibly be discombobulated. Plus, even though a representative of the registry's central office told me to go to that city and I had documentation on the clerical error in the center console, Brockton's THIRTY WHOLE MINUTES from my place of residence and I ought not to be there.