So I'm surprised there's no thread about this yet: Israel

Wolfeman: with all due respect, the conflict has been going on a lot longer than this.

As I said before: It's not really worth discussing because the discussions lead to nothing. Trust me, I've had to discuss the whole situation for the past 20 years and nothing substantial ever comes out ...

Yeah I know, I was just stating what happened recently... the UN drafts a resolution that's supported by both the US and most arab nations with the goal of bringing the fighting to an end...

and both israel and hamas reject it


let 'em all bathe in their own shit, blood, and guts the UN drafts a resolution that's supported by both the US and most arab nations with the goal of bringing the fighting to an end...

and both israel and hamas reject it


let 'em all bathe in their own shit, blood, and guts

A ceasefire will never work in the region. Hamas has violated them too many times and Israel isn't buying it. Hamas' ideology and doctrine, combined with their years of hate and vengefulness towards Israel will ALWAYS prevent a successful ceasefire from happening.

After all, a thread about Georgia sprung up in no time this past summer - what are your guys thoughts on the current Israel situation? My feeling is whether or not they had a right to be there at the beginning, it's a little too late to change that now, and if Hamas is launching unprovoked attacks simply because of ideological differences, then I totally support Israeli troops going in and castrating them. But I'm also an ignoramus - enlighten me :)

After the second world war, over 70% of Palestinian land was seized to become part of Israel, today they are only looking for 22% of the original Palestine in their name. We have to remember that this was only 60 odd years ago - not even a full lifetime removed. This is still a fresh wound.

This current conflict is supposedly fuelled by 4 dead civilians killed by Hamas rockets, today as a result of this over 700 Palestinians are dead, to say you support this sort of brutality is really uneducated. For sure, 4 Israeli citizens is still 4 too many for Israel, but the response has been disproportionate and tactless, 4 innocent Israeli's did not need to die, but 700 Palestinians did not either. There are better ways to deal with conflict than to wage bloody war and murder.

And this assumes that it was Hamas that broke the peace treaty, but even CNN reports that Israel broke the ceasefire two months before the conflict began in full:


We must also remember that Israel in its occupation of formerly Palestinian land has had the full support of the United States government, the US supplies missiles, tanks and armaments to the cost of $3 billion a year and is currently pushing in 3,000 tonnes of ammunition to the Israeli's. (

I found amusing the claims that the press sensationalises the situation and is pro-Palestine, I totally disagree with this, statistics show that prime time American news stations reported 157% of Israeli deaths - more than actually occurred and only 39.2% of Palestinian deaths during the last conflict in 2004. Accompanied with so called buzz words like "Civilians" and "women and children" were other more sinister military terms like "collateral damage".

One of the speculated reasons behind all this, and this makes sense for the overwhelming American support in favour of the state of Israel, is the rapture, the biblical prophecy that once Israel exists and is established in the holy land then there will be the second coming of Jesus Christ, and he will descend from the heavens, quash all those that stand in the way of Israel and all virtuous believers will ascend to the heavens.

So one could conclude, and some already have, that as with most wars, the cause here is religion.

Another reason could be however that Israel wants to sieze some of the 4 billion worth of gas reserves found off the Gaza coast (

Israel has already ignored a UN resolution for immediate ceasefire (,7340,L-3653492,00.html) and plans to soldier on ahead - after already breaking 62 resolutions.

These things are rarely black and white.
in addition to the palestinian land that was seized after WWII and the holocaust, there were sects of zionist jews who were battling the palestinians for control of said land...which of courses furthers the palestinian belief that they were totally robbed