So is UM working at 100%?


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
I don't know about you, but every now and then, I'll still get timeouts. It's very sporadic, so it's difficult to pinpoint when and tell Deron, but still, the server is not at 100%.

Is it just me?
If I were to assess UM's capacity to work properly and not piss me off, I'd say about 72%. Time-outs are regular, got the nasty White Screen of Database Error Death for awhile this morning, and other nonsense. But void threads and eaten posts seemed to have disappeared, so that's good.
I posted in Henrik's "rate the releases by these bands" thread yesterday, and the thread wasn't bumped. Other than that, I've had no problems. Haven't been on too much, though, since my computer has gotten its ass fucked.
The Latest Purchases is always a bear to open. Haha, bear.

Dammit when is search coming back!!!!!
jimbobhickville said:
whenever I click on the Latest Purchases thread I get timeout problems. Maybe the thread is just too big for the database to deal with it. Should we start a new one?
Exactly. I was just going to suggest this, because the way vBulletin is written, threads get really slow when they get big.
jimbobhickville said:
whenever I click on the Latest Purchases thread I get timeout problems. Maybe the thread is just too big for the database to deal with it. Should we start a new one?

That's something I've never experienced, and besides big threads are nice :<
I've been playing with the Kernal Johnson Rod Kocookachu settings to try and find a good balance overall.

The timeout issues I have been playing with. The way it works is when you click something, the server, any server, allows a certain time for that click to "go". There's a lot of factors like thread length, user connection speed, etc. I've been trying to find a good middle ground for dialup/broadband/forum speed. I notice about 2-5 hiccups during the day as opposed to it being WAY more week ago. I'm still tweakingit daily to find a balance. That's why the search was on for a bit yesterday, i was playing with it to see if it choked the forum or not. It was so so depending on what the search was so I turned it back off for now.

Two Marks and lizard, what speed connection you guys use again, and are you in the USA or elsewhere?
spaffe said:
That's something I've never experienced, and besides big threads are nice :<
Try measuring the average time you get while clicking on any 1-page thread and "last page" on Latest Purchases... Personally I get timeouts or response times of several seconds quite often, especially now on a modem, but also at home with teh 6 Mbit ADSL
Perfect. Erik is right about the long threads as I came across that info the other day. I forget the number but VB, as with most forums, will start to choke when over a certain amount of posts in any given thread.