So is UM working at 100%?

Also so you guys know I was looking into the whole archiving thing as well but the way that thing works is mainly for search engines. Once I prune/delete threads from the main forum the archive will also not show them. I don't know why it is called archive as its simply more of a text based duplicate forum. Still looking into ways to keep threads but still prune them away.
I think archiving the pre-March 2003 (hint hint) posts would do more to reduce the server workload than abolishing signatures, though I wouldn't protest if images were turned off temporarily. As for the current speed, I'd say it's about 90%, I had my first white page-free session in months yesterday.
Right, Deron is telling me that he's having no problems with UM, whereas I am getting sporadic timeouts and all the usual crap.

Perhaps it is just me? How is everyone else doing today on UM?
MetalAges said:
The way it works is when you click something, the server, any server, allows a certain time for that click to "go". There's a lot of factors like thread length, user connection speed, etc.

what the hell are you talking about?
Erik said:
Haha, I never saw that post... What indeed

The server will serve the pages as fast as is possible... What I don't understand is why vBulletin (and this has nothing to do with UM, only vBulletin in general) can not simply select and render the last n posts of a given thread (where n is the user's "posts per page" setting) which would seemingly (without knowing shit about vBulletin's internal workings) make it pretty much as speedy to open a 3948923392 page thread as a 1-page one :confused:

It does, that's the point! It just does a

SELECT * FROM posts WHERE threadid = whatever LIMIT offset, postsperpage

where offset is page * postsperpage.

Also, the whole connection speed issue is negated since every server has to buffer output and send it packet by packet - slower connections will simply render the output more slowly, not timeout.
possibly mySQL's fault, I dunno

although no other vB forums seem to struggle with long threads, maybe it's just the sheer amount of posts deron seems incapable of deleting

UM messed up whilst submitting this post :rolleyes:
Let me say I dig most the dudes here on RC. You can give me shit while at the same time not insulting me, I respect and appreciate that. That said, I'm gonna take a wild guess and say Ifurin has to be DE, it's hard to cover up the elitist techy-I-know-how-to-solve-this-I'm-a-super-admin ass of a smell. It'll be pretty funny if that is you. Erik you're an ok guy and I have no real problems with you but you still post with this "you killed Seriously Off Topic" attitude. Everyone else thanks for giving me shit without the thumb in the ass on the way out the door.

I run a few other things on the server as well including UltimateMetal. One of the long standing issues with the server was a rogue web mail program that only recently was discovered. That got fixed. That's when the forum really started scorching in speed (like it does when it is going smooth) with only a couple minor blips during the day. Lately (and coincidently since fixing the webmail) another issue arose. I host a band that has a new album that just came out, pretty big band in the scene. They're getting MASSIVE traffic, 550 gig last month alone. They moved a forum of theirs to my server (which I didn't know about at first, they used to host it elsewhere) and it has a fair amount of traffic itself is contributing to the stalls during the day recently. They're gonna be back from tour soon and we're going to look to move them to another server.

Most of the problem are MySQL issues but also some of the database itself on One thing I am going to do soon is take the forum offline and run a repair on the entire database to fix some issues. I would love to simply delete old old threads but more people want to save them than not. So I am talking with the VB guys on how to best do archive all that. I also consult with the main VB server dude all the time and he gets as stumped as me on some of the issues we are having here.

As far as long posts this is something I am also suspecting could be causing issues here and sent a messgae to the VB guys this morning that I am waiting to hear on. Long threads choke because the server, while it may only display 250-500 posts at a time, still has to parse the entire thread to break it up into chunks. I will probably end up killing most the "who gets the last word in" type threads. The reason a lot of forums out there may run fine with it is a) they only host their own site/forum b) they are running multiple servers c) they don't have as many posts/threads in their database etc. etc. There are lots of factors.

I try to give you guys more info than just "I'm working on it" because I know that can get old. Ifurin/DE (I'll sell my firstborn if that isn't you) will somehow argue against any explanation/description I gave but hey... as far as the timeout issues, I still stand by that post. You're not going to get a good handle on all the PHP/MySQL options/timeout settings for a large traffic server until, well, you run a large trafficed server. I'm not so much an ass to be the only one working on this without getting input from other tech guys. I have several techies helping out trying to get the best overall settings in place. Maybe the extra traffic from the Anthrax thing is goofing the current settings up we'll see. I'll dig into it and see if I can get it settled out.