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If its any consolation im turning 40 in a few weeks and feel like im 25. Granted some recent variables have turned in my favor.

1) Only work 40hrs a week now, down from 50-60+ last year. Have plenty of time to sleep and go to the gym now. This is what will keep you youthful. Hit weights, do cardio, if the wrinkles set in, atleast ye feel fn good off dopamine drips.

2) Avoiding political horseshit, blasting far more metal. More dopamine, neurons o' flowing. We cant change our landscape regardless of what side of the aisle ye reside. Self preservation is your only salvation.

3) Havent drank an ounce of liquor in close to a month. So much downside to drinking to excess. Going to have a few this wknd, but limiting myself to just a couple. Going on another 3 wk abstinence thereafter.

4) Got no debt, get your finances in order (any kids lurking out there.)

5) Got a vacation to look forward to. This is important for mental health. There needs to be an escape hatch down the corridor to get one through the drudgery.

Dont let life weigh upon ye. Think of what made ye youthful in days of yore. Shit's all a mind set. If ye think youre old, then you are. 40+ isnt fuggin old, if anything its a time for re-evaluation. Youre atleast half dead. Start doing shit youve always wanted to do NOW.
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