Attn: UM server Re: WTF!?


Went Out for Smokes 13 Years Ago
Jul 19, 2004
south of washington
so i couldn't log in for like the last 4 days, every time i tried it said there was a problem with the UM server...what the hell? has this happened to anyone else? deron? :err:
yep. i finally logged back in at work today.

the um server is a pile of poop with several broken light bulbs shoved into it, only not as functional.
yeah so that problem was fixed and I could log in again...

but then today for like an hour it was down completely anyway, so a lot of good logging in would do :p
cthulu: i thought you were maybe tied up in one o' them collegey classes.

check out my sig:
dorian gray said:
haha! is one of them bowling? thatd be sweet.
haha yeah it would, but no...i'm taking:
colonial latin american history (and liking it, fuck yea history)
south american literature (in spanish...this one's gonna be the ball-buster :ill: )
ceramics (woo)
spanish conversation (cheers to pass/fail)
jazz guitar lessons
poekoelan (indonesian martial art...these people are intense dude)
haha! good ol' pass/fail.

and, ceramics is close enough to bowling for our purposes.
Chromatose said:
yeah so that problem was fixed and I could log in again...

but then today for like an hour it was down completely anyway, so a lot of good logging in would do :p

Can you tell me more about this? When you say it was down anyways, meaning site wasn't coming up, database error? I am back from vacation and am going to be talking with the server guys I had managing the server while I was away. I'd like to know anything like this so I can talk to them about it.
it was that white database error screen

the one that says "problem with the database, an email has been sent, click to refresh" or some such

lasted around 45 minutes from ~noon - 1:00 EST that day, but I haven't noticed it again lately.