so i've heard the remix.....


i am the bloody earth
Oct 5, 2003
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and it is AWESOME. the DRUMS, oh my god......

anyway, it is a world apart from the original. i was never much of a strong critic of kelly gray's job, since i am a fan of some horrible produced black and thrash metal, but this remix really shows how shitty it was. the guitars are VERY heavy and the drums are especially improved, esp. the kicks. the harmonic complexity of the record is now much easier to appreciate.

it's available via US CM mailorder BTW
longfalcon13 said:
it's available via US CM mailorder BTW

Sweet, does this mean that the remixed version will replace the album in stores this week? I'd probably get it faster that way.
I must say the overall sound is ALOT better BUT, I did notice some funkyness with the drum fill at the beginning of EOR.
If I could describe it I would have to say sounds like the noise gate was on extra heavy and short and clip some of the natural sound. Either that or AS protooled the drum track to death. Anyone else notice that?

Overall, it has totally lost that " blanket over the speakers sound "

two thumbs up.
I'll be getting other cds I absolutely want before getting this remixed copy of a cd I already own.
AsModEe said:
I'll be getting other cds I absolutely want before getting this remixed copy of a cd I already own.

whoa. man, it's THAT good. it's like a whole new CD. like i said earlier, the drums are so improved that i heard fills and stuff i NEVER remebered in the original. the only blight is some strangeness in warrel's harmonizing on a few songs - it's tough to explain, i will have to listen again.
alltogether another CD!! you can really hear the difference, and the drums, especially in Enemies of Reality, Ambivalent and I, Voyager...
only one thing: perhaps a bit too many drums...sometimes they squash everything else to bits... but anyway, what the hell,it still rocks :headbang:

P.S. btw,I'm new here,so hi everyone! :wave:
DreamNeonBlack said:
I must say the overall sound is ALOT better BUT, I did notice some funkyness with the drum fill at the beginning of EOR.
If I could describe it I would have to say sounds like the noise gate was on extra heavy and short and clip some of the natural sound. Either that or AS protooled the drum track to death. Anyone else notice that?

Overall, it has totally lost that " blanket over the speakers sound "

two thumbs up.

Dude - I think Van must have mixed the new version. All i could hear was drums. The background guitars and bass still sound a bit muddy, but the solos and drums are so crisp. Fucking 100 times better. Vocals sound a hair low though.
Im really impressed with it, you can actually hear drums! They sound great too. When I first heard EoR I was like whooaa! theres drums in this song! Who knew.
Its also kind of wierd how much more pronaunced the vocals are, in a good way.
okay, just ordered it, cannot wait to hear this. You lucky bastards who've already got it....