so markgugs was taking it in the pooper one day....

What the hell...?

Mark I don't care how drunk you were, you really shouldn't take it in the pooper..............................from strangers.
markgugs said:
Listen fake person! it's probably mp3 anywya, so sitkc it up0 your ASASSS! :D
lies make the baby Jesus cry. I'm not torrenting that Helloween show then.

HA! Take that in the pooper and like it you interweb boobiehead. :Spin: :loco: :hypno: :Smug:
markgugs said:
I'm a lightweright now. With no job, ican't afford to go aout and get drubnk anymore, so when idoo... look out!

Good tos ee you here. This is the drunkest foprum around. :D
if you and I are the only ones here then that makes this place 50% drunks. Wheeee!
markgugs said:
The others to look out for (typing very slowly):

NAD - king of all drunks
Erik - Swedish drunk
JayKeeley - not drunk, but funny
Black Winter Day - underaged drunk

well fuck it. I'm gonna go to the store and pick up some whiskey and get my drunk on. Be back in a bit Bea Otch.