So now that bankruptcy is not an option,


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
banks and creditors will lower all their fees and interest rates right? Because their cost of operations are now going down. Just like how gas gets cheaper when crude oil does, right? :Smug:

<333333 Bushy <3333333333

Bush Signs Big Rewrite of Bankruptcy Law

By NEDRA PICKLER, Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON - President Bush signed the biggest rewrite of U.S. bankruptcy law in a quarter century on Wednesday, making it harder for debt-ridden Americans to wipe out their obligations.

"Bankruptcy should always be a last resort in our legal system," Bush said. "If someone does not pay his or her debts the rest of society ends up paying them."

Many debtors will have to work out repayment plans instead of having their obligations erased in bankruptcy court under the law, which will go into effect in six months. The 500-page legislation won final congressional approval last week after being pushed for eight years by banks and credit card companies.

The measure would require people with incomes above a certain level to pay some or all of their credit-card charges, medical bills and other obligations under a court-ordered bankruptcy plan.

Bush said the new law makes the financial system fairer for debtors and creditors.

"The act of Congress I sign today will protect those who legitimately need help, stop those who try to commit fraud and bring greater stability and fairness to our financial system," Bush said.

Those who fought the bill's passage said the change will fall especially hard on low-income working people, single mothers, minorities and the elderly and will remove a safety net for those who have lost their jobs or face crushing medical bills.

The financial services industry argued that bankruptcy frequently is the last refuge of gamblers, impulsive shoppers, divorced or separated fathers avoiding child support, and multimillionaires who buy mansions in states with liberal homestead exemptions to shelter assets from creditors.

"In recent years too many people have abused the bankruptcy laws," Bush said. "They walked away from debts even when they had the ability to repay them."

New personal bankruptcy filings edged down from 1,613,097 in the year ending June 30, 2003, to 1,599,986 in the year ending last June 30, breaking an upward trend of recent years.

Between 30,000 and 210,000 people — from about 4 percent to 20 percent of those who dissolve their debts in bankruptcy each year in exchange for forfeiting some assets — would be disqualified from doing so under the legislation, according to the American Bankruptcy Institute.

Those people have six months until the law takes effect to escape the tougher guidelines. Bankruptcy attorneys have said they anticipate a rush to the courthouse.

Under the current system, a federal bankruptcy judge determines whether individuals must repay some or all of their debt.

Under the new law, those with insufficient assets or income could still file a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, which, if approved by a judge, erases debts entirely after certain assets are forfeited. Those with income above their state's median income who can pay at least $6,000 over five years — $100 a month — would be forced into Chapter 13, where a judge would then order a repayment plan.
Bush said:
"Bankruptcy should always be a last resort in our legal system," Bush said. "If someone does not pay his or her debts the rest of society ends up paying them."

Wrong, when a person is cleared to file C13, all debts are wiped clean. This sounds just like another attempt from Bush to get people on his side.

Bush said the new law makes the financial system fairer for debtors and creditors.

Yeah, when has Bush ever chosen American citizens over corporations?

"The act of Congress I sign today will protect those who legitimately need help, stop those who try to commit fraud and bring greater stability and fairness to our financial system," Bush said.

Wrong again. This act will do nothing put make it harder to get that help that so many people need.

I seriously wished I lived in Bush's world. A world where everyone makes six figures, can afford A+ health insurance and no one ever loses their job.

Those who fought the bill's passage said the change will fall especially hard on low-income working people, single mothers, minorities and the elderly and will remove a safety net for those who have lost their jobs or face crushing medical bills.

Bingo. If I get diagnosed with cancer on May 1st, and we all of a sudden accumulate $100,000's in debt, it will now be harder for me to claim bankruptcy. Brilliant. :Smug:

The financial services industry argued that bankruptcy frequently is the last refuge of gamblers, impulsive shoppers, divorced or separated fathers avoiding child support, and multimillionaires who buy mansions in states with liberal homestead exemptions to shelter assets from creditors.

"In recent years too many people have abused the bankruptcy laws," Bush said. "They walked away from debts even when they had the ability to repay them."

So basically this bill is to punish a small percentage of people at the same time making the lives of millions more difficult.
What I don't understand is what was so wrong with this:

Under the current system, a federal bankruptcy judge determines whether individuals must repay some or all of their debt.

it would take a pretty incompetent judge not to know when someone is just milking the system.
Mormagil said:
What I don't understand is what was so wrong with this:

it would take a pretty incompetent judge not to know when someone is just milking the system.

Well if you ask Tom Delay, all of our judges are spawns of Satan, so there you go.
J. said:
Bingo. If I get diagnosed with cancer on May 1st, and we all of a sudden accumulate $100,000's in debt, it will now be harder for me to claim bankruptcy. Brilliant. :Smug:
This is the biggest problem I have with this crap. If we had national health care, this bankruptcy thing would still be bullshit, but at least somewhat tolerable. As it stands it's just one huge benefit to large corporations and yet another kick in the crotch to the middle and lower classes (all 99% of us :Smug: ).

4 more years.